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Legacy Follow User 1.1.0

Change log

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
  • Fixed a issue where you would get a notification on posts when type is set to thread.
  • Fixed a issue when you updated your following settings, you would not get a re direct message informing you of successful changes.
  • Fixed a issue where users could be followed if they were in a usergroup that was not allowed follows.

Changes To Existing Features:
  • Removed the setting Is Manager from Usergroup Permissions as it was really a defunct setting.
  • Added html markup support for usernames on the Follow User settings page.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
  • Option to show signature in the pm sent to users who are following someone.
  • Option to show users avatars now show on the Follow User settings page.
  • Clicking on users name on the Follow User settings page, will now re direct you their profile.
  • Ability to select which usergroups can have "Private" follows.
  • Ability to show the users follow / following count in the postbit.
  • Option to choose seven different locations in the postbit to display the users follow / following count.