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Legacy Tweet Poster 1.0.1

Tweet Poster
Instantly share new threads posted in select forums to Twitter with this nifty modification. Supports adding hash tags and automatically trims your thread titles to fit within the 140 character limit.
  • 290.webp
    60.7 KB · Views: 949
  • 291.webp
    30.1 KB · Views: 876

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (3)

Why use Tweet Poster?

Tweet Poster allows your users to stay up to date with your forums' news even while they're not at the computer, by having new threads posted in certain forums automatically post to your Twitter feed.
Additionally, search engines tend to prioritise links found on social media websites.

You can also optionally append hash tags to your automatic tweets, further increasing your exposure by making sure your tweets show up in searches for specific trends.

Product Information

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
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