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Legacy vBAnalytics 1.2.0b1

Change log

Feature: Added an option to turn off the Google Graph
Feature: The "Threads To Include" setting now supports a blank input to track all threads
Feature: The "Users To Include" setting now supports a blank input to track all users
Feature: The "Auto-Prune" setting has been updated to reflect it also prunes tracking data, to help with long-term performance
Change: Greatly improved the performance of the
Change: The "Results Breakdown" block should now be easier to read
Change: Renamed "Referrals" on certain pages to more accurately reflect what this metric represents
Change: The "Results Breakdown" now has number formatting for the values
Change: Updated the available metrics for each type to more accurately reflect available data
Fix: Multiple issues with the "Analytics Tracker" cron job that prevented it from saving statistics have been resolved
Fix: The "Threads" page will now correctly display a "Total" statistic
Fix: In certain scenarios, the "Options" form would not submit via AJAX but instead reload the page
Fix: In certain scenarios, the default values would not be correctly filled out for all metrics
Fix: A fresh install would see invalid displays until the first time the cron job was ran
Fix: Removed the extraneous line break under the left side menu
Fix (Pro): The "Searches" page will now correctly display a "Total" statistic