Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A issue with adding a contributor manually, it would add a extra day to the date.
Fixed: A issue where the Contribution Actions dropdown in the sub-navbar would show up on the Contribute Tab, it is not needed there since the tab has it's own sublinks.
Fixed: A issue where you would get a error trying to delete custom banners. (Pro)
Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Added usergroup permissions for viewing the forum sideblock.
Changed: Cleaned up the css code that was for the forum sideblocks.
Changed: Used a different icon on the header of the forum sideblocks.
Changed: Removed the icon that was in the sub header of the forum sideblocks.
Changed: The fieldset title on the postbit from a phrase to adding text via a option.
Changed: The text inside the postbit block from a phrase to adding text via a option.
Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: Ability to choose 8 hook locations in the postbit and postbit_legacy template to show the postbit donate block on.
Added: 4 Images to the download, overwriting existing ones, the new ones have rounded corners.
Added: A option to remove the currency from the forum side block, (ie: ) ( USD )
Added: A option to put your own symbol for the currency before the amount in the forum sideblock, (ie: ) $ 50
Added: The contributors avatar in the sideblocks instead of the $.png
Added: Two new setting groups in the vBDonate Dashboard, Sideblock Settings and PostBit Settings, removing them from the General Settings group as that was getting rather quite large.
Added: A fully customizable Marquee Block that can be set to display on four default locations, or with template edits can placed just about anywhere on the site.
Added: A stylevar, so you can change the background image shown in the postbit control area for the Contribute link.
HotFixes June 16th 2012:
Fixed: The pm to staff after someone donated had the wrong link in it to the donations list.
Fixed: If someone just typed in their browser, yoursite.com/vbdonate.php it would bring up a error, "Fatal error: Call to undefined function print_cp_message() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/vbdonate.php on line 105" it wil now give them a invalid action popup with a go back link.