Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Added phrases for the months, and am/pm that displayed on the welcome message, as they were hardcoded.
Fixed: A issue with a error showing on the top of the contributions page that would affect some sites.
Fixed: A issue where when enabling awards system on some sites, would result in a error going to view posts.
Fixed: A issue with the text Anonymous not being spaced from the unknown.gif in the forum sideblocks, if some contributed anonymously.
Fixed: (Hopefully for real this time

) A issue with contributors randomly not getting added to or moved to groups.
Fixed: A issue with a missing border on the sideblock goal meter.
Fixed: A issue with the footer link linking to the wrong product.
Fixed: A issue with the radius on the vBAdvanced module goal meter, for the contributed amount, as it does not look good on some skins.
Fixed: A issue if you have allowed undisclosed contributions, and a certain usergroup was not allowed, and a user contributed, it would insert the record in the database as undisclosed.
Fixed: A issue with some sites running vBAdvanced, and displaying the goal meter in the module, and not displaying the main goal meter block on the vBCMS page, that would result in the footer being added to to the page where the main goal block would be displayed.
Fixed: A error in the setting, Award Image Name under the group, PostBit Settings it used to read, Images need to be uploaded to the dbtech/vbdonate_pro/images/logo folder
it should have read dbtech/vbdonate_pro/images/awards folder
Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Removed the contribute now text or the contribute image on the Goal Block if it is displayed on the contribute page.
Changed: The text size on the sideblocks for the contributors to now use the stylevar small_fontSize, this is done to be able to show longer usernames.
Changed: The avatar size on the sideblocks to 20px, this is done to be able to show longer usernames.
Changed: The link on the goal meter, so if a user is not logged in and they click on Unregistered on the line "Welcome Back, Unregistered" it will direct them to the register page. (For some reason this was not added in the last release as reported.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: A back to Top button on the donation lists pages, if you have 20 or more results per page set.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to set the width of the postbit donate block when displayed in the signature area.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to manually place the award any place in the postbit you wish, (requires template edit).
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to center the award in the postbit.
Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to remove the radius on the sideblock goal meter, for the contributed amount, as it does not look good on some skins.
Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to use either the Contribute Now text or use a image instead, also works for adding the image to vBAdvanced module.
Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to easily change the image used in place of the Contribute Now text.
Added: A welcome message on the vBadvanced module. (Pro)