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Legacy vBDonate 1.3.0

Change log

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A issue with contribution amounts not showing as intended, ie: showing 10 instead of 10.00
Fixed: A issue with the Back To Top button not showing on the donation lists pages, if you have 20 or more results per page set.
Fixed: A issue with dates displaying as m-d-y or d-m-y if you are using a different Locale under Date / Time Formatting in the Language Manager.

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Some of the code in the vBAdvanced module, to be more custom style friendly. (Pro)
Changed: The position of the contribute image if it is shown on the vBAdvanced Module. (Pro)
Changed: The template used by vBAdvanced for the contributions module, I made it show from another template, so if changes are made in the template by me for a release, you won't have to re install the module again (after this time).(Pro)

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: Popup boxes on the manually entering of contributions fields so if you don't use numbers you will be alerted text is not allowed.
Added: A option in the settings group Donator List Options to be able to turn off the Back To Top button on the donation lists pages.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show everything in the goal block one background color.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show the total contributions to the site above the goal meter (should be expanded with dates later).
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal above the goal meter.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to set the date for the countdown timer.
Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the forum sideblocks.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to set the path to your contributor group rank.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to toggle on / off the updating of user ranks after a contributors contributions is confirmed (only works if you add or change the contributors usergroups).

Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the vBAdvanced Module.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to show a users contribution stats.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to select where in the postbit to display the users contribution stats.
Added: A link in the ACP side menu to be able to download the donations as a CSV file from your database, by date range. Type of CSV downloads available, Confirmed Contributions, Unconfirmed Contributions, Anonymous Contributions, Undisclosed Contributions and Test Contributions.
Added: A option in the settings group Donator List Options to be able to show contributions as net amount (the amount you got after PayPal fees) or gross amount (the amount the user actually sent through PayPal), this will show everywhere the contribution amounts are shown now.