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Legacy vBDownloads 2.1.0pl1

Change log

(Pro) Change: "Private Users" are now delimited by a semicolon ( ; ) instead of a comma ( , ) as it is possible for usernames to contain commas causing the feature to not work as expected
Change: The Downloads II importer will now print output on the page when importing downloads & files.
Fix: The Downloads II importer will now more reliably import downloads from users that no longer exist
Fix: The Downloads II importer will now deal with link-only downloads better
Fix: The Downloads II importer will no longer print PHP warning messages if the physical source file has been deleted
Fix: Increased reliability of uploads for users who are not logged in with "Remember Me" and upload large files or leave the page for extended periods of time
Fix: Users who have been deleted / imported downloads from missing users should no longer see their downloads disappear from the various areas of vBDownloads