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Legacy vBSecurity 1.1.1

Change log

(Pro) Password Rules
  • Per-usergroup password rules
  • Length, Lower-case, Upper-case, Numbers, Symbols
  • Enforces the rules before the form can be submitted
  • Works on Registration and Change Password in the UserCP
  • Works with [DBTech] Advanced Registration

Password Reset
  • Found under "Maintenance" in the AdminCP menu for this mod
  • Resets all users' password to a random number
  • Emails user detailing the password was reset for security reasons
  • Contains username included in the email in case they forgot
  • Contains direct link to the Change Password form in the UserCP

ACP Access Log / Verifier
  • Small table above the normal ACP menu displays current & last logged in IP for the current admin
  • Settable colours for IP Match / IP Mismatch
  • ACP Access Log browser
  • Ability to prune ACP Access Log (separate from vBulletin built-in logs)
  • Ability to turn system off via vBulletin Options

General / Other
Fix: Using [vSA] Login As User and access the AdminCP while logged in as a non-admin will no longer email the user you are logged in as with a link to authorise your IP address.