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Legacy vBShop 3.5.1

Change log

New Features:

Embeddable Item Purchases
  • Items are given a unique embed code after they have been added
  • Can be added to virtually any template
  • Look & feel similar to the Thread Buy feature

New Item: Thread Highlight
  • Highlights the thread(s) in the Forum Display list
  • User can configure their own gradient colour

New Item: Thread Highlight (Pre-Defined)
  • Highlights the thread(s) in the Forum Display list
  • Administrators configure the gradient colour

New Item: Postbit Highlight
  • Highlights the user's profile area in the Show Thread display
  • User can configure their own gradient colour

New Item: Postbit Highlight (Pre-Defined)
  • Highlights the user's profile area in the Show Thread display
  • Administrators configure the gradient colour

Item Expiration Dates in Inventory
  • Items with limited duration show their expiration dates in the inventory

Changed Features:
  • Messages added to item gifts are now censored

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed missing phrases for the PayPal item purchase notification that could result in a blank email being sent