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Legacy vBShout 6.1.0b1

Change log

vBShout v6.1.0 Beta 1

DBTech Affiliate Link
  • Participants in the Affiliate Program can add your DBTech User ID to the vBShout Options
  • Adds your referral ID to the vBShout copyright footer links

Improved Shout Templates
  • Shout templates (for Shouts, /me, PMs and System Messages) are loaded from the main Shoutbox template
  • Takes up less browser memory than old JS templates
  • Uses jQuery Templates to achieve the same functionality of the old rendered templates
  • Offers greater customisation options without worrying about breaking fragile JavaScript code

Improved JavaScript Performance
  • Leverages more advanced jQuery usage to reduce the time it takes to perform JavaScript operations
  • Takes up less browser memory as less time is needed to search for the elements in question

Improved Context Menu
  • Context Menu is always enabled for every user, offering the same quick links to member profiles and username auto-fill
  • Zero performance impact from using it - no longer increases bandwidth usage / data transferred with each AJAX request
  • Uses jQuery Templates to achieve the same functionality of the old rendered templates
  • Offers greater customisation options without worrying about breaking fragile JavaScript code

(vB3) Modern Shoutbox Editor Controls
  • Colour Picker now uses the same "modern" look as the vB4 version of the mod
  • Font Face Picker now uses the same "modern" look as the vB4 version of the mod
  • Font Size Picker now uses the same "modern" look as the vB4 version of the mod
  • CSS-based editor controls rather than table-based

(vB3) CSS Loader
  • File loader that outputs the 3 CSS files from templates
  • Browser cacheable
  • Improves crawlability

General / Other
  • Fix: Display Order in the Instance Management screen was using the wrong input type.
  • Fix: Opening lots of context menus without reloading the page would add "infinite HTML" to the page over time, taking up unneeded memory
  • Change: Improved RTL support
  • Change: Removed the ability to turn off the Context Menu, to eliminate confusion