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Legacy vBSuper PM's 1.2.0

Change log

Most of the fixes were already implemented in hotfixes, but this makes it official.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A issue where you might see a error similar to this, "Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [path]/dbtech/vbsuper_pm/hooks/common/usercp_nav_complete.php"
Fixed: Some spelling mistakes in some of the phrases.
Fixed: Some missing menu items in the left hand ACP menu for the mod.
Fixed:A issue where usergroup settings were not saving in the Reply To All settings.Fixed: A issue where the Reply To All might not show up in the PM if it was to multiple receivers.
Fixed: A issue where, the Folder Controls block will only move to the top when the Move Download Options is set the "Yes".
Fixed: A issue if you choose to move folder controls to the top, the download PM's would disappear if you left them at the bottom of the page.
Fixed: A issue where pruning of PM's via cron job was not working.
Fixed: A issue with mobile styles that you could not see your PM list.
Fixed: A issue where users could not see a attachment they were sent in a PM, if they were not allowed to upload attachments. (Pro)
Fixed: A issue with a missing plugin. Now you will now able to see the attachment in the PM if you preview it, before sending. (Pro)
Fixed: Added some missing phrases.

There is probably a few small fixes I forgot to write down, but hopefully all known bugs are sorted.

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: In the Pro version that now only users set to, superadministrators, in config.php,can view the private message content in the PM Log.
Changed: In the settings for, PM Auto Reply Settings, the setting, Excluded Usergroups, has now changed to, Included Usergroups. So if any of you use PM Auto Reply, you will need to update this setting accordingly.

Note: The showing of the senders avatar in the private message list, and the PM Previews will not work in the mobile style. This was taken out to facilitate users who are browsing with their mobile devices. They are paying more, so they want to surf the site a bit faster. Adding the above, would just slow them down, and make their browsing experience less desirable.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
  • You now can have username html markup on the users names when viewing your private message list, in any of the folders.

  • Added to the attachment in PM's, so now that it functions just like attachments in posts, with the manage attachments button and all.