
  1. Morrus

    Question User Shop Questions

    I have a question regarding user shops. As I understand, users can create and sell items of the "custom item" type in a shop of their own creation. 1) Do I have to manually give them the shop, or can they create their own shop as long as their usergroup permissions allow it? 2) Are image...
  2. X

    Question VBAvatars body shapes

    Hi, is there any way I can get different body styles? (tall, fat, etc) Thanks
  3. GoodApples

    [vBAvatar] Custom avatars / User Image Upload

    Here is what I am looking to do: Custom avatars would be T-Shirts and I would like to allow users to upload an image onto the shirt. Images re-sized to fit shirt / avatar. Is this currently an option?
  4. Madhatterr

    Legacy Color Picker

    I'd like to request a rearrange of the way the shop is handled visually which would help reduce the overwhelming number of items when creating outfits/hairs etc with many different color options. Each option would still be an individual png in the system but there would be a base model shown to...
  5. P

    Legacy Ability To Stream

    I am really interested in purchasing this product, but I plan on using it to allow artist to upload their material(mp3). If I was able to allow people to stream the music, this will help members decide if they would like to download particular mp3.
  6. F

    About vbavatar

    I would like to ask about this product since it looks creative but i haven't seen it as lite version so atleast if you guys please could put this product on your own forum to let users test and see how it looks like before to buy :)
  7. G

    Legacy Some feature requests

    HI Dylan. After trying out the mod and putting it through its paces I can see a few ways of enhancing it. Please note that I havnt been runnning it long... and these are just some ideas. A seperate page that can store all nominations and they can be sorted by weekly, monthly, yearly. ie: I...
  8. G

    Question Buying icon packs?

    What's up with ? No buy buttons for any of the icon packs?
  9. MudRacing

    Question I would like bought the Icon Pack for vbActivity

    I would like bought the Icon Pack for vbActivity, but when I click on "Purchase", from system comes this:
  10. T

    Bug Default Area Maps not Workgin

    The Default Maps images dont seem to work, just curious if anyone know a fix or if they are at all included?
  11. G

    Bug Moods selection doesn't work

    When I want to change a mood I get the prompt to choose "Blue", but nothing happens when clicking on Blue... I see javascript:// on mouseover. No amount of clicking makes it actually choose Blue though - doesn't respond. I don't have any addons that mess with JS or anything of the like...
  12. djtone

    Question Icons Pack

    how can i get one of the icons packs. preferably the one u have on this site and get someone to install it for me?
  13. R

    BShop Gift Icon Pack?

    how can i buy this theres no buy link in its info
  14. sportainment

    Purchase enquiry

    Okay so I have already purchased many of your modifications, I am now trying to go through and get some addons - such as icon packs for the shop mod etc however when I go to the page there is no way to purchase additional stuff - are you able to assist and let me know how I am meant to purchase...
  15. Neo_Angelo

    Neo Retires (get the tissues out)

    My time here at DB-Tech has come to an end, and thus you may have noticed i no longer posses the almighty staff colors or appear in the DB-Tech staff list. Firstly i'd like to make this a "goodbye but not farewell" as i'll be hanging aound the forums as before and will hopefully have some...
  16. B

    Purchase TT

    I'm just curious as to when TT will be available for purchase along with the additional card packs?
  17. A

    Question Buy Add-on Packs?

    I just purchased the VBActivity mod, but I also tried to buy the Uber Icon Pack with the DB import but all there is, is just the "More Information" button and no purchase button.
  18. I

    Question How can I change my achievements icons to look like the one you have?

    hi, I was wondering how can I change my vbActivity lite achievement icons to like like one you have? Thanks
  19. Morrus

    Triple Triad IP Issues?

    I've been glancing over the Triple Triad game. Looks fun, and I'm considering a purchase. However, I'm a little concerned about the Intellectual Property issues from the product. Am I right in assuming these cards (and, indeed, the game name) come from existing IP (Final Fantasy?) Is this...
  20. D

    Triple Triad Card/Award Display Request

    Unless im mistaken there is no way for a user to show off his cards. I mean you can see statistics and such but thats it. 1. I guess what I am saying is maybe te OPTION for an admin to input a small graphical icon when building decks to be used in the postbit, or maybe user profile...