
  1. C

    Legacy Require thanks "from X usergroup"?

    Hello, planning on doing some changes in the forum and wonder how this could be achieved? to require the clicking of the thanks button by default for: - specific usergroups - in specific subforums regardless of the posters' settings, so that attachments can only be downloaded after...
  2. M

    Please somebody help

    First of pardon me if i am posting in wrong section ... iF i am wrong please move this thread to correction section .. I am having a forum with vbulletin ver 3.8.7 . Its a Private torrent site . so there are lots of attachments by the members i want to show like this on Top of thread in member...
  3. D

    Question How can I change the Editor

    How can I change the Editor ? I would like to insert pictures in my mail or attachments thanks for help
  4. brandondrury

    Bug Mp3 Attachment Streaming Problems After dbseo Install

    Has anyone been able to stream mp3 attachments on their forum with dbseo? I've been fighting this bug ever since I installed dbseo. I used a flash mp3 player for mp3 attachments, but ever since dbseo was installed that player has not worked properly and html5 audio players have been even...
  5. T

    Bug DBSeo 1.3.1 Attachments

    Hello! If you use DBSeo 1.3.1 and had a post with multiple attachments look at the image previews. They are all the same. If I disable DBSeo the previews (and links to the original Images) are correct. regards Thorsten Attachment 1 DBSeo enabled, Attachment 2 DBSeo disabled (correct).
  6. A

    Question Changing term "Manage Attachments:" to "Manage Images:"

    Changing term "Manage Attachments:" to "Manage Images:"
  7. Nirjonadda

    Legacy CDN Integration Support for Attachments

    Please can you add option CDN Integration Support for Attachments?
  8. CharlieDelta

    Question SLider Display for Guests

    So it seems the only way I can get my slider to display properly for guests is to have the usergroup permission "Can Download Attachments" set to yes for un-registered users. Is there a work-around for this or this? I do have some attachments throughout the forums that I would rather members be...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy More Open Graph Images

    It is a standard which Facebook and other big social networking sites use to extract information from a web page being shared/posted on their site. Open Graph meta tags tell Facebook the URL of the page to share, the title of the page, the type of content, and also one or more images to be used...
  10. S

    Bug Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro

    Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro I Purchased the plugin, installed it, and when i go and click on my profile on the forums or any other member profile, i get a error. Im posting the image of the error and also the information on the error...
  11. S

    Bug Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro

    Database error when going into someone profile after installing vbactivity&awards pro I Purchased the plugin, installed it, and when i go and click on my profile on the forums or any other member profile, i get a error. Im posting the image of the error and also the information on the error...
  12. B

    Question Https + cdn

    Hi, I tried to activate the CDN Integration of vB Optimise. When I enter my Windows Azure details everything seems to work fine. The data syncs and the site works fine in Firefox and Opera. However one browser tells me, that not everything is as it should be: Internet Explorer is precise and...
  13. Loony BoB

    Bug Posts labeled as Attachment on Leaderboard

    Something very minor indeed. :) For now I'll jus tell my members it's because posting shows how attached they are to the forums. ;)
  14. M

    Bug php errer

    I have following Error. PHP Warning: require(!m!attachment.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/dbseo.php on line 401, PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '!m!attachment.php' (include_path='.:') in...
  15. R

    Question List for files to exclude?

    Is there a list for all that files we should exclude from rewriting? Yesterday i found out that the relative url for my .css war rewritten wrong, now i am afraid that more inludes int the source will be wrong. I am shure that this problem was solved many times before, so i ask if there is a list...
  16. iraqiboy90

    Bug Post content refreshes on clicks

    Hello This "bug" is specially annoying when watching a youtube video linked in the post. When clicking the like/thank button, the post seem to refresh, causing the youtube player to stop&rewind. This thing has been always there, but since I now bought it, it seems more appropriate to report...
  17. Em Kay

    Bug Manage Forms not saving

    This option wont let me save as "Yes" (will this make adding a photo mandatory?
  18. Q

    Question Calculating points error

    Hey guys, trying to recalculate points with the latest version of the mod. It goes well for a while and then suddenly I get this error: FROM attachment AS attachment WHERE 1=1 AND userid =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds...
  19. M

    Legacy Two suggestions related to plugin breaking something else

    Here is a link for reference: Updates 1) When clicking "Thanks", the post bit stats disappear until refreshing the page. Can we change that? 2) I use something called LaTeX on my site to render math equations. When clicking "Thanks" this also breaks until refreshing the page. It seems...
  20. C

    Bug Post editor functionality buttons missing when enabled - dbseo

    When DBSEO enabled, -Post editor is missing all functionality buttons in both quick post and advanced editor/submit thread -Also uploading of attachments - images upload, but do not insert into post. How it should be