
  1. Fillip H.

    XenForo DragonByte Avatars v0.9.1 | XenForo DragonByte Signatures v0.9.1 (Re-Release)

    Hey all, We're re-releasing XenForo DragonByte Avatars v0.9.1 and XenForo DragonByte Signatures v0.9.1 in order to fix issues reported by the community. Complete Change Log DragonByte Avatars v0.9.1 DragonByte Signatures v0.9.1 Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue with the Thread and Post...
  2. 1quicksi

    Question Missing Avatars

    Not sure if this has been since the initial install but looks like we lost everyone's avatars with all of them now displaying a black X. The properties for my image: http://www.hostboard.com/forums/avatars/steven-3.gif?dateline=1306470781 the URL to my profile: View Profile: Steven - HostBoard...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Disable Avatars on Users Online

    Please can you add option to Disable Avatars on Users Online from What's Going On?
  4. B

    Question Need some help

    Whwn i am guest i see users "no avatar" images beside usernames - but when i am login on forum i do not see those images ... it is for users who have no avatars users with avatars is ok ... will attach picture to better explanation. have you some tips how get pictures back, mean that members...