
  1. S

    Legacy Per Thread Meta Descriptions

    Hi, This is a feature I'd really like to see, and probably one of the main things that could be done to improve the product. I'd like the ability to edit meta description tags on a thread per thread basis, in order to optimise these and improve CTRs for these threads. Thoughts? Thanks, Will
  2. C

    Legacy Add name of Forum for new threads/posts notification

    I'm not sure if this is possible (if not, please convert my thread to a feature request). I would like to add the Title of the forum to the notifications in the shoutbox. (If its a feature request, I would request it to be a per instance basis if possible.) ADDED: Can I add to this...
  3. Trekkan

    Legacy Prevent editing of a form that has already been filled out

    Prevent users from editing a form once they fill it out. Should be on a per form basis.