
  1. E

    Question How to modify cash in users Bank?

    How can I modify the cash in a users Bank?
  2. M

    Legacy Cash out option

    can we have a cash out features allow members to cash out when when they want to? because they're using real money to buy credit and they would allow to let them cash out if they dont use credit or have alot of credits? best
  3. mikez006

    Question Credits for real money?

    Currently members can use real money to buy credits, but is there a way for members to take their credits and request a cash payment?
  4. kyle

    Legacy Multiplayer Bingo and Poker to work with vbcredits

    Just wondering if anyone has been able to get the Multipplayer Poker and Bingo on Multiplayer Poker & Bingo Games (w/vbCredits) - Page 4 - Forum working right with vbcredits. They say it works with vbcredits and just testing it out, it takes the money from credits...
  5. mikez006

    Question wrong Paypal email

    I could have sworn I posted this already. I'm not sure why it would be removed. I have 2 currencies setup, credits and cash (real money) and recently changed the Paypal email address on my forums. When someone deposit money via Paypal for "cash" the Paypal email address is wrong. The Paypal...
  6. Em Kay

    Legacy Payment Not Required

    I have in the "Manage Forms" that Payment s required, but members are able to post a listing without marking a Payment
  7. mikez006

    Referral/Affiliate mod

    VB already has the Referral component where members can refer other people to the site with a referral URL, however I would love to see this expanded into an affiliate program. I have multiple paid subscriptions setup on my site, so if a member refers someone to our site, then that person buys...
  8. M

    Legacy Manditory Thanks Selected forums

    Hi All, We have a large satellite sections, with thousands of satellite related downloads, and also a fun bookies forum where certain users put bets up for our members to have a bit of fun with there VBCREDITS (I wrote a small plugin for the bookies to get paid, and give out there cash on...
  9. 3

    Legacy Button pay missing

    Hello, there are several things that do not quite work well, I appreciate your help to solve them, are as follows: There are pages that are blank, for example: Foros 3DPoder Foros 3DPoder The error that you commented on the forum, also persists, but now does not give error database, the page...
  10. M

    Bug steal from members

    hi i created a user and added him cash it seems i cant steal from him even tho it says successful the amount is always 0 taken but if i login as this user and bank some cash im then able to steal from them and an amount is successfully taken. could you try reproduce this for me create a user...
  11. C

    Bug Card Cash balance that disapear

    Mainly we run a big VB site with at least 15,000 active users over a 3 month period but we have many more members. The issue does not occur often if we look at total transactions done in a month. I would say since we installed in September 2013 VB 2.2.1, this is when the bug started, the balance...
  12. M

    Bug Adjust Feature - temperamental

    I have this set so only admin can use: When I adjust someones cash Ie they win our photography monthly prize of 100 It will sometimes adjust the cash and sometimes not adjust it? I have tried to run the crons (in the scheduled tasks) as I run a quite large forum and need to use the resource...
  13. V

    Legacy Wishlist to 1.0.13 Beta

    Dear developers Russian community very much asks you to give the opportunity to not go to the payment of paypal when you are ready to buy a Item (Listing on the Classifieds), and to have an alternative in the form of the "inform the seller." Seller automatically receives email or PM. Next -...
  14. R

    Classified Mod questions

    Im looking at your new classified section. I have a large classified section on my site that is a lot of work at times users cant figure out how to delete there ads once sold and I dont really want them active for more than 30 days. It becomes cluttered. Does this system have features for this...
  15. S

    Legacy Awarding virtual credits

    Hello Our forum uses a virtual cash system like VBcredits. When a member makes a donation, we manually add $500 currency for each £1 donated to their user profile. Will it be possible to make this an addon to this vbDonate please for automatic
  16. O

    Trying to uninstall lite versions of mods/add-ons but can't.

    I want to remove a swarm of lite versions of DBTech mods that I've tried out via the lite version, but I can't. This is the list: DBTech - InfoPanels + DBTech - AJAX Threads + DBTech - Forum Tabs + DBTech - Live Feed + DBTech - vBActivity + DBTech - User Tagging + DBTech - Registration +...
  17. A

    Sitewide Branding Free - Monthly Option

    Curious why you guys don't have a monthly option for the sitewide branding free license. ...I for one would love such an option. My number one complaint about dragonbyte-tech is how disgusting thie modifications makes the footer of my site look, and how expensive the branding free option is...
  18. M

    Continue Developing for XenForo

    You should continue developing for XenForo. Forget vBulletin, its going down the hill, It's complete crap now. If you still want to develop for vb4 i understand that, but dont even bother developing for vb5. Please continue developing for xenforo!!!!
  19. W

    My unsatisfactory

    I have purchased more DBT mods and requested many features too. But I have no idea when they are gonna be fulfilled. I wonder if they are gonna be fulfilled or no. Some mods are really very much incomplete e.g. Advanced registration. Sometime I feel DBT is very much professional but I hope it...
  20. F

    Question Can I convert UCash points to vBCredits

    I've been using the very simple U-Cash point system on my site for a couple of years. I'm considering upgrading to vBcredits as there's room for further growth and ,more options for use with it. My question is: Is it possible for vBCredits to read the amount each user has in my current point...