
  1. K

    Pending AdminCP: Scrolling Display in 'Manage Items'

    I've created 22 item categories but the AdminCP section for 'Manage Items' can only seem to handle displaying about 8-9 of them. The rest of the tabs scroll off into nowhere. It's still usable if hard to read, but it would be convenient if there was better support for displaying all of the items...
  2. J

    Question Just installed lite. Cannot view posts.

    Fresh install of lite version. I can look at categories but cannot view posts. It redirects posts to, When I look at the forum categories are showing then redirects. No old posts or new threads worked. I had to disable the seo and rebuild thread...
  3. T

    Question Batch upload, migration from Gallery2

    We are considering installing this on a 4.2 vBulletin, but we currently use Gallery2 and I'm wondering how we would upload our 6500 images. They are currently arranged in a folder hierarchy. We can change that to categories and I can dump out the Gallery 2 info from the database and create a...
  4. I

    Question Default Loading - Section On Categories?

    Is there any way to set the categories to load with default tabs? I'd pruned out some of the code, just to clean things up, and now... I'm stuck. I don't believe I'd removed anything critical, as everything was just at face. In other words, is there a way to set...
  5. J

    Question Nominate only once?

    Hi, I have two categories set for Nomination, both running for a month. It seems that each user may nominate only once in each of these categories? Is there an option to allow each user to nominate more than 1 within a given period? (I am currently testing this product on a test (PC) Forum...
  6. A

    Question Can sub categories be created

    Is there any way to change the directory structure so that when you on the main page it will display the top level categories and all the lower ones under them?
  7. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 5 Update

    Here we go with our fifth update guys! Alpha 5 introduces lots of new features and fixes for Version 2 and some older Version 1 issues. This update introduces the following: Fixed: Missing Phrases Fixed: Email containing UserID and not the correct Username Fixed: Cancel Listing option in...
  8. B

    Question Categories not showing

    The categories list is not showing in the Gallery. It is just blank. This happens both in our customised styles and the vBulletin default style Thanks
  9. D

    Bug Category's Stopped Showing

    Hi friends, My categories were working GREAT until just recently. It turns out that, even though the permissions are solid and still the same, the categories no longer display. I've browsed around and saw that a couple other people have had this problem...
  10. B

    Question Game categories to show ?

    How do we get the Games categories to show please. All we have are the latest games played but no way for members to view which games are available. Thank you
  11. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Gold (& Lite) Released

    Hey all, After a highly successful Beta period, we now feel that we are ready to announce the immediate availability of DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Gold (Lite & Pro). This version adds a new feature for Pro customers; Recurring Raffles. You will be able to specify your raffles not to recur, or a...
  12. ar15dcm

    Need VBQuiz help B4 I buy

    Hi Folks, I posted in the VBQuiz Lite forum to get help with it. The categories are not showing up. Permissions applied, checked, and re-checked. There are two categories, the Default and one I created. I am going through my provider, SEOVB.COM to buy two other MODs (Post Thanks &...
  13. Fillip H.

    New Mod: DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Beta 1 (Pro-Only Open Beta)

    Hey all, If any of you were followers of our Twitch.Tv Channel, you may remember that we've had requests for us to make a Raffle modification for quite some time. We committed to making one before Christmas, and we are now ready to deliver! Initially, the modification will remain in a Pro-only...
  14. R

    Question cron command for dbgallery

    We have some categories for albums that are based on the month and year. I would like to create a cron job that will do this monthly to create the new current categories. Could you possibly tell me what I need to do? I would think that this question had been answered before, but I can't find...
  15. M

    Question Categories Manager

    Hi, Can anyone tell me where the categories manager tab is, I can't find it anywhere. Thx
  16. A

    Bug The categories is always "NO"

    Hi! I tried to install locally the lite version, I set all the permissions but the status of the categories remains "active: NO" Where am I wrong? Thanks for the support
  17. R

    Question How do I make some categories read only or archived

    As some of our categories are dated, it makes sense to set the older month categories to read only or to keep them from being listed as an uploadable section in the dropdown chooser. How can I make some categories read only? Thank you! Rick
  18. B

    Bug Can not select created categories

    Have same problem what was posted here and here In my admincp i made few categories and everything is ok with permissions but can not...
  19. webi

    Bug Downloads from closed categories in user profile

    Hi Fillip H., As an unregistered user, you can see the uploads in the user profiles of the nonpublic categories. This bug affects not only the above but also my other forums.
  20. GoodApples

    Bug 404 Middle Col - Filename

    404 links on Filename It appears the Item Basic Details Categories in the middle column file name did not change and throws up a 404 error when the file name has been changed as it still has the default file name. Item Basic Details Categories 404 Here > and 404 here <div class="middlecol">...