
  1. Z

    Question Hash tags no longer submitting as links with Google Chrome or IE (only with Firefox)

    Well, I got to experimenting with the hash tags this morning... they don't get used very often. Our forum is small and there's not much inclination among its members to use hash tags. But I would nonetheless like them to work properly. They used to work fine with each of the browsers named...
  2. Fillip H.

    vBShout v6.2.14 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing vBShout v6.2.14 in order to implement Desktop Notifications. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBShout v6 [AJAX] (vB4) - Forum or here vBShout v6 [AJAX] (vB3) - Forum, and also...
  3. R

    Question Shoutbox malformed after upgrade to VB4.2.3

    Over the weekend I upgraded to VB4.2.3 from 4.2.2, I also upgraded all the dragonbyte plugins I have. All appears to be working fine for a couple of days. Now I come back to it and in Google Chrome it is malformed Yet in firefox it looks okay. The shoutbox is only displayed if you are logged...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Bug Google Chrome for iPad Stuck in Authenticating Loop

    I seem to be stuck in an authenticating loop. Codes are verified fine but keeps looping back to verify page. It works just fine with Archer & Angler on chrome for iPad but not CRR. This is why I think it is some sort of bug. I tried re-uploading all files and installing xml but still not working.
  5. L

    Bug Not working in IE

    Hi there, Looks like IE didn't like the latest twitch suite (V2.1.2). It shows a box with two Twitch logos. Firefox & Chrome are ok. Could you help me out? Thanks! d
  6. Shimei

    Bug Does not load in IE 11

    Hi, Infopanels works well in 5.1.7 within chrome and firefox but does not load in IE11.
  7. P

    Question Questions on tabs at top - also does not seem to work in chrome

    Not sure about why their is a tab called SHOUT, ACTIVE USERS, [my custom] tabs. Basically what is the SHOUT box, and why is active users a tab? Also, I have given permissions to unregistered to use the shoutbox, but if I open up a browser in Chrome (not signed into my site) I do not get the...
  8. CharlieDelta

    Bug Border and Image Size Problem in Chrome

    I get this border and image size problem in Chrome only that I can't put my finger on. It is fine in firefox. I have tried to upload the image as well as set an image URL but get the same result.
  9. Olegs Jeremejevs

    Bug A minor regression in Chrome 37 broke the shoutbox

    Hi, I've been using Chrome 37 dev-m for quite a bit now, and I've encountered an extremely annoying issue: whenever the shoutbox gets updated, it doesn't jump to the end of the discussion, and just stays at the beginning instead. It's really painful to read/talk, when you have to keep spinning...
  10. M

    Question Postion and Layout when Adding a Review

    Hi There, Really happy to come across this product, very useful to our forum, so must say thank you very much. However am having a problem regarding the layout of the review product. When you click on add the review, It is out of position and alignment of text boxes incorrect. Would...
  11. anicolac

    Question My Feedback History - Blank page after Feedback received

    Hello. Please, can someone tell me what can I do to fix this? It happens both with the English language as the Spanish I tried it in Safari, Firefox and Chrome. I have AdBlock disabled Version server: Linux: PHP 5.4.4, MySQL 5.5 I searched the forum and have not found anyone that happened In a...
  12. Z

    Bug Big upload error

    hello, I want to increase the weight of the file to be transferred. at first I increased the size of the files Rar application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove] zip application/zip 55.03 Mo Non disponible Non disponible [Manage] [Remove] I uploaded a 15MB...
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Go to first unread post in thread

    Go to first unread post in thread not working, When i go to first unread post in thread and its does not open me where i last Visited or Where my last reply on the thread.
  14. M

    Bug VB5.1 VBShout (newest) Internet Exploder/Chrome/Firefox problems?

    Ok. So done a little leg work here... But heres where things get interesting... If I am in Firefox or Chrome (Haven't tried Safari). I get nothing to work... If I issue a /prune command it says "You don't have permission to prune shouts.". (Chrome doesn't give me any errors at all just...
  15. Em Kay

    Bug More feedback issues

    This is being tested by users over all kinds of platforms, mobile, safari, ie, ff, chrome ect ect and at this stage, this plugin is completely unusable :( which makes me very sad because it would be a game changer in VB forums for sites like ours that use Classifieds heavily. I had expected a...
  16. webi

    Question Sender in UCP

    Recently, no longer appears in our UCP who has a sent a message. What setting needs to be corrected here? Regards
  17. C

    Question Live Wall Stopped Updating

    A couple days ago I noticed the livewall forum block stopped updating. Even on a new page load it still is showing data that's several hours behind. Only after a refresh, will it show the latest information....and often on the next page visit, it reverts. The only thing I think that has...
  18. Em Kay

    Bug Issue Comment Box

    The box where the arrow is pointed, turns white when clicked on and text is unseen while typing
  19. Em Kay

    Bug Clicking Bid Now Pop Up/Offer

    When clicking Bid Now without putting in a numerical amount, a pop up appears with no warning or txt as to why its there.. Wanted Ad: When entering a numerical amount on an offer, then clicking "Offer Now" it forwards the user back to main listings page instead of making an offer
  20. madmaxmangos

    Urgent - Entering Dragonbyte site via google results in warning page

    Hey, Searching your site from google comes back with your site on https. When I entered the site on chrome I got a big yellow warning screen because you're SSL cert has expired back in July last year... I expect anyone entering from google is seeing this because google is linking to -...