
  1. webi

    Bug Class 'ZipArchive' not found

    Hi Phillip. When trying the button "Download All Files" we get the following error message. Why is that or how can we fix the error? Class 'ZipArchive' not found on line 1082 in /data/var/www/ #0...
  2. hakkuo23

    Bug Upgrade Bug

    Looks like it's not populating the item_class with the new classes and doesn't rebuild the cache so it makes your board inaccessible. An exception occurred: Invalid class handler for item type 'custom' specified in /home/fdsa/public_html/xenforo/library/DBTech/Shop/Item/Abstract.php on line...
  3. B

    Bug Site Crashing

    I have no idea why this has started to happen, unless it is something to do with my previous post in regard to Advanced Thanks/Like. == PHP Fatal error: Class 'FORUMTABS' not found in /home/rwfforum/public_html/vBulletin/dbtech/forumtabs/hooks/global_start.php on line 24 == It seems the mod...
  4. Zambfd

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'Patchwork\PHP\Shim\Intl' not found - new post/reply.

    Hi, since the update to 2.0.29 we retreive the following error on new posts when a link is posted. Fatal error: Class 'Patchwork\PHP\Shim\Intl' not found in /var/****/ on line 114 PHP Version...
  5. I

    Question Class DBTech_CookieControl_Action_Test cannot be found

    I've upgraded and now getting this error when I test newsletters check Class DBTech_CookieControl_Action_Test cannot be found.
  6. J

    Bug Disabled vbActivity - Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found

    I have disabled vbActivity on my forum (but didn't uninstall it) and since then vbAnswer gives me an error when users post a new topic: Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found in forum/dbtech/vbanswers/includes/class_dm_problem.php on line 191 Can you look into this? At this moment I really...
  7. M

    Bug PHP Fatal error Class DBSEO not found

    Hi there We have since the last two versions a lot of php error log entries like this: PHP Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO' not found in /home/www-data/ on line 50 What can we do? It looks like DB SEO works but it's still strange to get this error. Thanks for helping me Marco
  8. OUTL4W

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore' not found...

    I uploaded the files for DBseo and twitch 2.0.3 to server and now when going into Manage plugins I get this error and can't see any of the plugins: "Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore' not found in /home/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 142" and now when visiting the...
  9. C

    Question Error includes/url/check.php

    I check my file error_log A lot of errors[17-Jul-2014 18:57:09 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh] PHP Warning: preg_match() [<a href='function.preg-match'>function.preg-match</a>]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 102 in...
  10. webi

    Bug Tag Rewrite Error since Update 1.1.2

    Hi Fillip, I get the following error when calling my tags. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class DBSEO_Rewrite_Tag_Single in /var/www/ on line 80
  11. Papa Bear

    Bug Build sitemap error

    when trying to manually build the sitemap i get this error.. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class dbseo_rewrite_taglist in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/tags.php on line 21 it would seem that the /dbtech/dbseo/includes/library folder is missing..