
  1. D

    Legacy Amazon ClouFront and CloudFlare support ?

    Please add support for Amazon ClouFront and CloudFlare. Why not CloudFront from Amazon in the first place?
  2. P

    Legacy Amazon CDN Functionality

    The amazon S3 caching works great, but it would be even better if the system supported cloudfront cdn either with S3 or without. The latter would be awesome because it wouldn't require syncs to amazon S3. You would just have to wait for the CDN cache to expire, or recreate it and replace the...
  3. F

    Legacy Needs Amazon Cloudfront support, not Amazon S3

    This needs Amazon Cloudfront support, at the moment it only uses Amazon S3 but S3 is designed for storing data whereas Cloudfront is Amazon's CDN. Is there some way I can manually edit some files to make VBulletin use my Cloudfront URL instead of my S3 URL, please?
  4. fly

    Question Using Amazon S3 for styles doesn't work

    So I decided to try and use S3 on my site today. I enabled the bucket, added all the pertinent info, and had vbO copy all the proper files into the new bucket. Everything is fully synced. Now, when I turn on the CDN, the styles get all screwed up with white background. It doesn't seem like...
  5. J

    Bug AWS domain name quesiton and post without an icon bug.

    Hi, When I'm trying to integrate the CDN, images are hosted as I'd like to be able to use cloudfront, which runs off the bucket name: is there an easy way to do this? Second, When a post does not have a post icon...
  6. A

    A few requests for vboptimize [paid]

    I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: ) Benefits: At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured...
  7. T

    Using Amazon Cloudfront

    I haven't tried this yet since it costs a little more, but will vbOptimise support amazon cloudfront when enabled? So instead of urls being replaced with you have