content delivery network

  1. C

    Legacy Rewrite/Replacement for CDN

    vbseo had an option to replace strings in the html output. I would be a great addition to dbseo to have this same feature.
  2. pcam

    Question CDN with amazon s3 is not working for me

    I found a similar thread, but a bit different so I've opened this thread. I'm unable to sync into the s3 bucket. S3::putObject(): [PermanentRedirect] The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint...
  3. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  4. A

    vB Optimise

    Amplor here, proud owner of 9 Dragonbyte-Tech lifetime products (brand free). My question: With the recent update of Google as it ranks your page higher based on the amount of time it takes to load. I have a dedicated server for my forum and have noticed that my pages load considerably slower...
  5. A

    A few requests for vboptimize [paid]

    I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: ) Benefits: At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured...