
  1. Emeralda

    Triple Triad and vBActivity

    Is there some sort of integration between the two? I'm hesitant from installing it again, because I remember how much work setting up the decks was, and yeah doing the gil all over again would be a killer. Is it integrated with points or something? Or did TT had something that would allow...
  2. Replicators

    Can't seem to buy cards

    My apologee for all the questions i been posting today, but i am trying to get stuff underway. I can't seem to buy any card's, there is no shop, or anything, the cards i have and everything. There is just no way to buy anything, as all i get in the triple triad menu is what is attached. All...
  3. R

    Rare Card

    Hello, I have problem to define rare cards in the deck. This deck has 12 cards, 3 rare. I've tried almost everything, or only the first is repeated normal Deck cards, or just has the rare, how should I proceed? ---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM...
  4. R

    Cards dont Back

    Hello, I do not know if it is a bug But after a match, I can not select a card I've ever used. ___ help here in the community with new "decks", gets a reward?
  5. S

    Can players use multiple decks at one time?

    I’m going to have multiple decks in time and I want to know if people can still play with multiple decks at the same time.
  6. A

    Question Buy Add-on Packs?

    I just purchased the VBActivity mod, but I also tried to buy the Uber Icon Pack with the DB import but all there is, is just the "More Information" button and no purchase button.
  7. Morrus

    Deck handing out 10 identical rare cards, no commons

    We've run into a weird issue. We have a free starter pack set up. It has the following settings: So that should hand out 10 random level 1 cards. The level 1 cards from that deck are set up as follows: So as far as I can tell, it should now hand out 10 random level 1 cards from that deck...
  8. N

    Tiny bit of Code Modification

    So I want to use vbexperience mod as the basis for points, but just putting in the field name doesnt work because vbexperience will auto update and change the points back to what it was before you purchase a set of decks using the points. So I came up with an idea in my head. In cron job that...
  9. Morrus

    A few feature requests

    Just a few feature requests (I don't know when/if Triple Triad is gonna be updated). Sorry for the length of the list - this is a combination of my own suer's suggestions and some I came up with myself: 1) Historical Match Lists - indicate who won on the list. Avatars, maybe? 2) Tournament...
  10. RollaJedi

    Triple Triad Question

    Hello I am just wondering if behind the scenes somewhere in the code, does each card have its own number identifying it? I am looking for a way to give a person an achievement based on if they have a certain card (which is where the number comes into play, since it represents that particular...
  11. D

    Triple Triad Card/Award Display Request

    Unless im mistaken there is no way for a user to show off his cards. I mean you can see statistics and such but thats it. 1. I guess what I am saying is maybe te OPTION for an admin to input a small graphical icon when building decks to be used in the postbit, or maybe user profile...
  12. P

    Cards Disappearing?

    Hi there ^^ Product is working mostly very well. Player vs Player battles, there are no problems however when playing CPUs, at least once per battle when a card is played the one it flips disappears and then the game freezes and has to be refreshed to continue. Screenshot of what is...
  13. Neo_Angelo

    Triple Triad suggestion

    not my suggestion but posted on behalf of Mokonzi. Ability to have a card included in a deck with a percentage on its own, in otherwords allow users to make their own custom packs with %ages of individual cards: I wish to have a pack containing all cards with say a fire elemental in it, i want...
  14. Mokonzi

    Pick a Random Selection of Specified Cards?

    Is it possible to set the Random selection of TT decks so that it picks from a select few choices? For example, setting the deck to be only one element, and then a random chance of the cards within that element being picked on a per level basis? If so, how can it be done?
  15. Mokonzi

    Random Cards Not so Random...

    I've noticed in the setup of cards I've got, that when I buy a pack for a certain level with the percentage set at 600% , I end up with more of a chance of getting the first card or cards in the set, than the later ones. A bug in the random calculation?
  16. S

    Possible to creater your own deck as in your own cards?

    Hi, I have a community that wouldn't really apprechiate Finaly Fantasy (as cool as it was) is it possible to have my own cards created? As in my own deck? And if not is it possible to hire somebody who can do that for us?
  17. Noctis88

    Designing our Deck Cards?

    Since a long time ago, im wondering if we can design our totally new deck on our own??? lets say i wanna put All Characters of Final Fantasy Series , and the design is already finish... so is there any possible way to create a new deck like this one? of course i meant with some modification...
  18. M

    Bug With Deck Purchase

    Hello all. I have the Gameroom addon installed that is on It uses a cash-like currency called Game Cash and it is located in the user table. I entered that in the configuration and it shows the proper amount on the display pages for each user. Now, I have created decks and...
  19. RollaJedi

    Achievements/Awards for Triple Triad?

    If I got vbactivity pro, would there be achievements and/or awards for things you do in Triple Triad lite? Thanks!
  20. fufu

    Sell Triple Triad Cards?

    I think I am blind. :cool: How can I sell TripleTriad card individually or give them away as a gift? I know TT can trade cards, but what if I want a card vBShop and have selling cards or selling special cards that you cannot get in "decks" or even sell individual TT cards for a limited time?