delete file

  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Usergroups Can't Delete File

    Hello Member or Usergroup can upload file but cannot Delete File,How i can give the Permissions, Any Option to select which usergroups can't Delete File? EX: Usergroup Permissions Can delete Their Uploaded File > No
  2. Mokonzi

    Bug Unable to Delete File From Download

    I'm unable to delete the file from a download which contains three files. When I click Delete, it looks like it's doing something, but in the end doesn't delete anything. An idea makes me think it might be related to the Style problem I had before, perhaps the Javascript command isn't being...
  3. Mokonzi

    userdata_delete Bug...

    I've got a bug associated with userdate_delete that is coming from one of the DBTech mods, I'm just not sure which. I'm fairly certain it's not vbCredits (Pro) (I disabled it with no change to the bug). The others installed are vbShop (Pro), Facebook Style Status, DragonByte Tech: Triple Triad...