
  1. A

    Question Notification in Current Tab and Setting Question

    Couple of questions about the plugin. When a user clicks Like (or Thanks), it generates a private message with the title of "New Likes Received". When I open that there is a link to go to the content that was liked. That opens in a new tab. Is there any way to configure it so that it opens...
  2. B

    Question I would disable received thanks or like email notification

    . Hi to all ! ..I would disable email notification to all user when they receive a thanks or a like I'm running DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Lite) 3.0.4a8 ..they are receiving email notification even on their user setting the email notification is disabled as the attacched...
  3. lch8

    Question What happens to dbseo-ed links when I disable or uninstall dbseo?

    I am having a lot of issues with my site, which includes a forum and a non-forum side. The server is being overloaded with connections and my systems guy thinks it has to do with dbseo. He wants me to disable the mod to see if it fixes the problem. At this point, I need our site up and...
  4. E

    Question Disable interest

    How do I disable interest from the system?
  5. mikez006

    Question Disable credit purchase to other accounts

    I don't want to allow members to purchase credits for other members. I only want members to be able to purchase credits for themselves. Can this be done? Currently if they click the "purchase" link on another members profile then can buy credits for that person. It can also be done by clicking...
  6. 1quicksi

    Question Can't disable button in forum

    I have added a "Dislike" button but would like to disable it within specific forums. When ever I go in to the forum manager and check off the disable button, it saves the change but, the button does not get removed and the box remains unchecked. Any ideas?
  7. P

    Legacy Global Desktop Disable

    Hi, as the title suggests I would like to see an option to disable the desktop notifications globally. This is a really useful feature for our admins unfortunately our users do not like being asked to receive notifications. I understand you can disable it under the usercp/shotbox itself but...
  8. Fillip H.

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.1 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.1 in order to add functionality requested by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum or here: Advanced Post...
  9. Fillip H.

    Emergency Patch: DragonByte Classifieds [All Versions]

    Hey all, An issue was discovered in which the exchange rates for currencies other than the Primary Currency could be set to 0. This causes prices for listings in other currencies to be shown as -0.05. We have released an emergency patch to all current & past versions of DragonByte Classifieds...
  10. Fillip H.

    Emergency Patch: DragonByte Forum Ads [All Versions]

    Hey all, An issue was discovered in which the exchange rates for currencies other than the Primary Currency could be set to 0. This causes prices for advertisements in other currencies to be shown as -0.05. We have released an emergency patch to all current & past versions of DragonByte Forum...
  11. Norman

    Question Remove User Tag List

    Remove User Tag List [Solved] Is there a way to remove it? I totally love this modidication but I don't need that. If possible, would be fine also to just "hide" it, without officially disable it.
  12. L

    Question E-mail Notifications for Each User Disabled by Default

    Hello, many of our users have been complaining about the notifications from the Post Like system. I know we can disable notifications globally AND that a user can disable them from the settings area of the usercp, but I would like to know if there is a way to have the notifications globally...
  13. E

    Question Turn off PM's

    How am I able to disable PM's for certain groups?
  14. SᴩiDᴇЯ

    Question DBTechSecurity turn off

    I have an issue with my techs coming to work on my site in admincp and not being able to log in, on several occasions i have whitelisted their IP and they still can't login. What i have to do to let them login to my admincp is edit my config.php and disable hooks all the time, what i would like...
  15. T

    Question Query to uncheck "Enable Emails"

    I would like to switch the 'Disable Emails' to 'Enable Emails' so all new members don't have to make the change anymore. Is there a query I can run that will uncheck 'enable emails' after I switch it over? I don't want all the members who have checked "disable emails" to start getting emails...
  16. R

    Question Cannot disable specefic button on threads

    Hi. I have like and thanks buttons both enabled. I want to show only thanks button on thread posts. So I checked the "threads" on "Disable Integration" at like button management. but still like button shows. Another sections are okay, but just threads didn't follow this rule. also, in...
  17. D

    Bug Hashes Disabled, but link is under User Control Panel and Community links

    Hello, Im getting these bugs with a new installation: - when I disable Hashes, config option at bottom is shown in User control panel. - when I disable Hashes, link is shown in community Links (and not shown when option is enabled).
  18. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Disallow Numbers As Thread Tagging

    Please can you add option for Disable Numbers As Thread Tagging?
  19. D

    Question Friendly URLs

    I'm sorry but I am a bit confused as to whether or not to disable friend URLs. I read where they should be disabled but then I also read that if you disable VBulletins sitemap generator that you don't need to disable them. Also the same question about canonical URLs. So, I have VBulletins...
  20. M

    Bug a few bugs

    1. if you disable vBShout Integration - tab is not removed 2. if you disable globally Hash Tag in usercp Hash Tag Subscriptions - available 3. if you disable globally Thread Tags in usercp User Tagging - General Settings Privacy Settings - Tags - available 4. if you disable globally Emails...