
  1. B

    Bug Database errors

    Hello Last few days get database errors when users play games ...(never before get those errors) and did not install any new mods in last time on my board - last two was advanced registrations and private message ... errors is like this ... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL...
  2. Jonty

    Question AOP with Load balanced servers (EC2)

    Hi there, I've purchased vBShout, and i'm keen to install it on my forums. The trouble is, the forums are load balanced EC2 instances, i.e. multiple file systems. This is fine for most of your plugins, as most dont write to the file system, but this one appears to. The problem is with the...
  3. P

    Question Hacking in a database replacement for active user tracking

    My current server configuration is a load balanced farm of Amazon EC2 instances that we use to automatically scale with load. Because of this, storing user session data like the shoutbox does to track active users on an individual server's file system is quite ineffective, especially when you...