
  1. Fillip H.

    [XenForo] DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 6 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 6 for XenForo in order to bring the product closer to feature parity with the vBulletin version. If you like the product you can show your support by reviewing it here: [DBTech] DragonByte Shout v7 [Lite] | xenForo Community or here...
  2. E

    Question vBshop User Editor Block

    In the AdminCP in the user editor the VBShop Currencies are displayed. I am trying to make that visible to only usergroup 6(The Main Admins). I do not want sub-admin groups to be able to view this. Do you have an existing method to make that only visible to a specific usergroup? ^^^^The...
  3. Eden

    Bug Missing buttons in the post text editor

    After upgrading mods to the last version, all the editor's button in the text editor are missing (see screenshot below) Any idea how to solve this problem?
  4. Cadellin

    Bug Tables in saved as HTML not BBCode in drafts/templates

    If you have a table in your e-mail and you save the content whilst in WYSIWYG mode either as a draft or template then the table bbcode is converted into raw HTML making it uneditable using the vBulletin editor. If you switch to "Source Mode" (using ) in the editor prior to saving then the bug...
  5. Q

    Question Ratings & editor issues

    Hey guys, testing this as a Lite version and probably will get the Pro version if it all works well. I am testing this being logged in as "admin". Checked all the permissions in the instance settings. I did a test also logged in as a "testuser" in a different usergroup. Checked all boxes again...
  6. Fillip H.

    vBEditorTabs v1.1.1 Patch Level 1 Released

    Hey all, vBEditorTabs v1.1.1 Patch Level 1 has been released, resolving issues reported by our customers. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBEditorTabs v1 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate it to help cancel out the...
  7. C

    Question WYSIWYG Editor is GONE

    When enabling the dbSEO- the WYSIWYG Editor Disappears completely and is no longer available. It doesn't work in the CMS, posts or when you try to edit anything that it would normally show. Also, no matter what options I choose the Main domain name http://test.mydomain.com points back to the...
  8. D

    Question How can I change the Editor

    How can I change the Editor ? I would like to insert pictures in my mail or attachments thanks for help
  9. A

    Legacy How do I disable Rich text editor while poting ad or keep it to simple editor?

    How do I disable Rich text editor while poting ad or keep it to simple editor?
  10. A

    Question Editor Image in Quick Reply

    I couldn't provide a website URL because my forum isn't online yet, I'm setting it up on my localhost. I'm wondering how I can have the editor image (the camera that lets you add images from the gallery right on your posts in the editor) to the quick reply toolbar as well? I prefer quick reply...
  11. M

    Bug Add Free Key is not working

    Hey all, My branding free key does not work. Can someone help? I have copied the key and manually entered it and it still comes up invalid key. Nick
  12. Z

    Legacy two ideas important improvement

    Hello Team I'd like to introduce two ideas * The first comes from vBDownloads It just add the same progress bar because the images are becoming heavier. and wait without information is not pleasant. * The second improvement is to move the categories in the selection system with a...
  13. X

    Question Separate shout not working (detached)

    How do I get the detach shout to work I have never used it never had the chance to, but finally found a site that I was able to use it on and I liked it. Went to my site to change the settings and it is already enabled however is not showing in the drop down menu as an option in shoutbox...
  14. O

    Bug Post Templates v1.6.1 PL1 - not work in vb 4.2.2

    Hi, I am testing for my forum in my PC new system vBulletin 4.2.2. I have installed yours MOD Post Templates v1.6.1 PL1. In the file "README - Installation or Upgrade.txt" is written, that it is necessary to alternate following templates: - editor_toolbar_on - showthread_quickreply -...
  15. C

    Bug Post editor functionality buttons missing when enabled - dbseo

    When DBSEO enabled, -Post editor is missing all functionality buttons in both quick post and advanced editor/submit thread -Also uploading of attachments - images upload, but do not insert into post. How it should be
  16. T

    Legacy Files loaded for users that don't have access

    I noticed that all files that are needed for the shoutbox (jquery.tmpl.min.js, vbshout.js, dbtech_vbshout.css, dbtech_vbshout_colours.css, dbtech_vbshout_editor.css) are loaded for users that do not have access to it. Would it be possible to load these files only for those that have access, or...
  17. J

    Bug Weird Code on Members page likely related to Shout

    Hi, Installed vBShout at the weekend and today a member is saying hes getting weird code when viewing the forum home page. I've attached the code as a txt file but to me it looks like some sort of programming code like java but rather than parsing its getting displayed instead of the html...
  18. OUTL4W

    Question Changing input text area and text

    I was looking thru the threads and found this thread http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f29/how-change-color-text-area-11994/ for changing the color of the text box and text colors and it stated to find the input_background and control_focus_background in the style vars to change colors ....but they...
  19. HaZaRd

    Legacy Social: add hastag options

    1. If possible to add hashtag field in the DBSEO options? 2. If possible to add social features in forumhome above the forum list? other question: what is this code at the end of twitter link? -> #.Uwc87UfvygQ.twitter
  20. R

    Question installation and configuration errors in relation with dbseo

    Hi, Would you mind checking up the forum for the installation errors of vbdownloads. I did a fresh installation of the vbdownloads, however, I already have downloads folder inside the forum directory for downloads II. While visiting a page, blank page appears. I tried to change the directory...