
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Relisting - How

    How to re list an item? I received and notification --> clicked on the link which took me to the listing --> I clicked on Edit Listing ...but what is missing is the Listing Type: Start Date Listing Length and perhaps an option to relist with the above two options available? I also...
  2. Em Kay

    Bug Listing Ended, No option to relist and does not show up in My Listings

    Mokonzi This listing Planet of the Vapes UK Vaping and E-Cigarette Forum ended, unsold, but it is not showing up anywhere in "My Listings" to "reslist"..
  3. Em Kay

    Bug Clicking Bid Now Pop Up/Offer

    When clicking Bid Now without putting in a numerical amount, a pop up appears with no warning or txt as to why its there.. Wanted Ad: When entering a numerical amount on an offer, then clicking "Offer Now" it forwards the user back to main listings page instead of making an offer
  4. W

    Legacy Temporary IP Ban - Time based

    Hey guys. The major problem with this plugin is that attackers are now spoofing legitimate users IP addresses. Not sure HOW they are doing so, but they are. SO, the result is that the attacker will attempt brute force with existing user IP address and it then bans the IP address. Then, the...
  5. GoodApples

    Question Disable Related Videos

    How do I get the Gallery to use the xml_video_vbulletin I have a modified xml_video_vbulletin which disables related videos in youtube it works with the CMS and Forum but doesn't work in the Gallery? Disable Related Videos on the CMS and Forum works...but How do I get the Gallery to disable...
  6. C

    Question Installed Lite, but no images showing

    Hiya, I think I am doing something wrong - I can get albums, but no images to show on my site. Here are my steps: Followed instructions in readme.txt Defined a new gallery/Instance - test/testgallery Defined a catchall category - All Set new instance to active with relevant parameters. New...
  7. M

    Bug Classified Listing Gone?

    Hi Mokonzi, I cannot really explain this one apart from to give you a link to the item itself. which has vanished from the listings (apart from direct URL access) Viewing Listing: For sale.VU+DUO2 - Buy Sell Wanteds on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts basically if its sold then how would...
  8. GoodApples

    Legacy Listing Length - Usergroup permissions

    Listing Lengths Manager UserGroup permissions who can view/select a Listing Length Therefore if I want a group to have extend time frame I don't wish the other groups to have the option displayed.
  9. L

    Question Total Posts per Forum?

    Hello, Our IT support recently upgraded our VBAnalytics Lite version (on 19-Nov) to version 1.2.0. I used to be able to report on total posts per forum within a time frame directly in the Forum Analytics tool - which I ran weekly (for each forum) and then monthly to see Total posts for all...
  10. S

    Question How do i change the

    How do i change the color of the sticky bar from gray to white? I cannot find where to change this?
  11. obviator

    Bug Maintenance: Invalid Action

    Hello, Today I installed vbSecurity Lite, and everything worked fine except for the "Maintenance" tab (aka Reset All Passwords). When I clicked "Maintenance" in the left-hand menu, I saw the standard Password Reset form, asking me to confirm if I really want to reset all users passwords...
  12. fly

    Question Using Amazon S3 for styles doesn't work

    So I decided to try and use S3 on my site today. I enabled the bucket, added all the pertinent info, and had vbO copy all the proper files into the new bucket. Everything is fully synced. Now, when I turn on the CDN, the styles get all screwed up with white background. It doesn't seem like...
  13. jluerken

    Legacy Replace Post Templates with Draft Posts

    Hi Mokonzi, we use Post Templates on our page at the moment but have a problem with it. Our chinese mods cannot use it because it does not show the chinese chars correctly. I think the Draft Post Addon solves this issue but I have a couple of questions before I go and replace the addons. 1. Is...
  14. E

    Question Link open in popup or new browserwindows

    hello, i have a question. i will open a url in new browserwindows ( popup ) or frame in the vbulletinsite. have manage Tab---add new tab---input name, URL, mode this script, tab target _parent or _top, user group what see this button, placement rigth_end, next display order, and save. the...
  15. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Tagging Entire usergroups could use some optimizations.

    Hi guys, I think the tagging usergroup option should require some optimizations. When I tag the registered usergroups it takes way too long and I keep getting this error: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in...
  16. M

    Legacy Upload images in the top right hand side.

    Adding images to the top right hand section of the addon. 1) Basically I would like the image to be uploaded (via file system). 2) Have a maximum amount set in the admincp. 3) Uploading also has a thumbnail. 4) This will be aligned right top (maybe float) 5) when a user presses it opens up the...
  17. brandondrury

    Money Back Guarantee?

    Hello, I'm 99% ready to drop $200 on vbOptomise for my forum, but I didn't see any mention of a money back guarantee. If I hate this thing or my server hates this thing I need recourse, obviously. Do I have some sort of period in which I can get my money back? It can be 3 days for all I...
  18. SaN-DeeP

    Question vBQuiz update for vb 5.x available?

    Hello, I'm planning to upgrade my vb to 5.0, so wanna know if vB Quiz will be available for same or not?
  19. J

    Bug Shoutbox Not Displaying Posts

    I have the shoutbox installed and every time I post to it, it doesn't show in the box, but if I click on Archive, it will show in the archive as if it's been logged, just not displayed. Any thoughts to get them to show in the box? Feel free to see for yourself on
  20. BrianC

    Question Slider 3.0 Not Displaying

    I am not able to get the Slider to display on either the cms or forum. I have gone though the settings and think I have it correct. I was able to display the previous version. Not sure how to proceed. It looks like nice improvements from 2.0.