
  1. O

    Question Selective caching

    Hi to all, finally yesterday update my php version and forum to instal this add-on. Exist any way to retain the full caching to guest, but not apply this to certain groups ? I want to have full caching for guest (3600TTL, forums, nodes, thread, posts, profile pages, etc) but not for certain...
  2. S

    Bug Full Guest Cache Does Not Work as Intended?

    Hi. When monitoring my memcached cached objects, i noticed that memcached cache is cleared often. No server error, still lot of available memory. Memcached : 1.4.34 PHP memcache : 3.0.9-dev PHP version : 7.0 UPDATE : After observing further, i noticed this happens only if i chose memcached...
  3. S

    Bug Full Guest Cache Interferes with Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) Add On (Redis)

    Hello. So i tried to use Redis, and only activates Guest Full Page Caching & Cache Registry. I also use this add on : Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) | XenForo Community I use that add on to use if-else in my template, so that desktop users will have different part of the UI than mobile...
  4. M

    Bug Wrong words by (Pro) Guest Full Page Caching

    I' like activate (Pro) Guest Full Page Caching. My Forum ist German language and ÄÜÖ is with this option very wrong :(
  5. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Release Candidate 3 for XenForo in order to resolve issues reported by the community, as well as make the modification more developer-friendly. If you like the product you can show your support by reviewing it here: [DBTech] DragonByte Shout v7...
  6. M

    Bug QuickReply - double post

    Since version 1.4.1 we have a very strange problem. With normal browsers like firefox and internet explorer quick reply works also with full ajax support. When we use an iOS device with Safari we get a full postback without AJAX and since 1.4.1 we have then the post twice. When we upload all...
  7. ibinamaster

    Bug Still using showpost.php instead of showthread.php

    Hello, referring to the bug posted in the SEO-Forum: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f239/broken-redirection-original-vb-urls-16174/ Advanced User Tagging still uses showpost.php in the E-Mail notification: e.g. within the phrases: dbtech_usertag_mention_received_email...
  8. B

    Question Inbox full notification

    Just want ask if this modification have possibility (setting) to notice user that inbox is full or near to be full? regards bosss
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy More Open Graph Images

    It is a standard which Facebook and other big social networking sites use to extract information from a web page being shared/posted on their site. Open Graph meta tags tell Facebook the URL of the page to share, the title of the page, the type of content, and also one or more images to be used...
  10. D

    Bug Recent Entries setting does not work

    Hi, I have tried to change the default setup of 30 days but it does not work. Whatever I choose (more or less) it seem that the parameter is hardcoded at 30 days. Thanks David
  11. I

    Bug vbactivity 3.1.4

    Database Error vbactivity 3.1.4 We are running into an issues with the activity feed part of vbactivity, When a user clicks the activity feed we end up getting a database error so we recently disabled the activity feed and haven't gotten a database error since then. Any Idea's on what the issue...
  12. R

    Bug Database error on search

    If extra spaces or * characters are in the search it fails. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(imageid) AS imagecount FROM dbtech_gallery_images WHERE instanceid = 1 && approved...
  13. GaWd

    Question Shoutbox Archive - Where is it?

    How can I get to the archive? It's enabled in settings, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, and neither can my users/ Thanks!
  14. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...
  15. J

    Bug Inline Moderation Authentication loop

    Deleting post via dropdown inline moderation menu with "Inline Moderation Authentication" active causing verification loop. How to reproduce: 1] AdminCP -> Settings -> Option -> General Settings -> Enable "Enable Inline Moderation Authentication" 2] Create thread as user AAA and post one...
  16. C

    Question Live Wall Stopped Updating

    A couple days ago I noticed the livewall forum block stopped updating. Even on a new page load it still is showing data that's several hours behind. Only after a refresh, will it show the latest information....and often on the next page visit, it reverts. The only thing I think that has...
  17. P

    Bug Url rewrite temporary not working

    Almost from the very start, we experience unexpected behaviour. All links at the web goes offering original urls (not rewriten) by some time period. Rewriten links still work and get the user to crrect forum locations, but you browse the forum and get links on pages in original vbulletin...
  18. Replicators

    Bug Error uploading Image

    It's possible this is a server misconfiguration since i am having trouble on getting some php.ini settings resolved. However i thought to post this anyways, just in case.
  19. GeekLingo

    Migrating from VBulletin 4.2.2 to 5.1

    I currently have vBActivity & Awards, vBDonate & Advanced Post Thanks / Like lifetime + branding free licenses for VB 4.2.2. I'm in the process of upgrading the site to VB 5.1 and need to look at costing around these 3 add-ins. It's difficult to navigate through your site and getting the...
  20. sevenmix

    Question Mobile style with wrong url

    Hi When users select mobile style they cant go back to normal style because the url now is wrong (on full site): Should be: How do i fix this?