
  1. A

    Theme on vBShout

    Hi! I´m interested in installing your product on a new site I´m building. I´ve just purchased and installed a theme for my forum and I´d like to know if the theme will also impact the Shout Box. Another question: Can I use the same product on different pages with different chatrooms? I mean...
  2. E

    Question Testing on Vbulletin 5.3.0

    Hello folks. I've installed the arcade system on Vbulletin 5.3.0. Installation went out good. I just have some questions. here is my arcade --> Arcade - sixthgengaming I have installed one game at (LET ME RUN) but when I click play I can only hear the game music. There is no game...
  3. L

    Legacy Any Updates

    Was wondering if there are any updates coming anytime soon, have noticed it has been a long time since an update to the arcade has come out. IF there is an update will it include any new functionality such as game downloads, report game etc. ?
  4. M

    Question Can we use the question above to make new questions

    Small question... Say we have a drop down question like Select Game Tutorial Operating System Tutorial etc So if the selection was game tutorial Then I would like the next option to be select Xbox1 Tutorial PS4 Tutorial But if the user picked Operating System Tutorial could we have the...
  5. R

    Question Going to write my own game, how are scores submitted?

    Hi, I haven't written a game for about 15 years since I worked in London coding games for the PS2 and PC, those were the days. Anyway got the itch to write more games in my spare time. I run a car club forum for Classic and American vehicles. I will be writing a car related game, possibly top...
  6. S

    Bug Cannot play any games: forfeit session problem

    So, I installed the arcade today and I imported and played 1 game. Now, after that I am unable to play any games. Not even the one I first played. All I get is this error: You appear to be playing a game; starting this might forfeit that session. However, after clicking the button to...
  7. R

    Bug Malformed 'Simular Quizes'

    After completing a quiz, on the right hand side is a list of similar quizzes. It seems to have not converted it to HTML correctly. (I am using VBOptimise and DBSEO in case that helps) The following code is generated. Is there a patch? or a template I need to change?
  8. F

    Question Import Games Service

    Hi, I just tried using vBArcade v2 Lite Version for VB 5. I'm running vBulletin 5.1.1, the game works perfect if I add new game manually by filling up the column provided. But I can't use the Import Games Service from Kongregate, Armor Games, Spil Games, etc. The drop down menu only show Mochi...
  9. boldherri

    Question Problem botton in start video flash

    Hi DBTECH, I recently Installed [DBTech] vBArcade (vB4), and it went successfully. But the page where the Flash should be is showing up as Empty. The only thing that appears is the Game Icon, and sometimes there will be a notice saying: This is the HTACCESS that I am using for VBAracade
  10. B

    Question Database errors

    Hello Need some help ... today get many database errors Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO aaggregate_temp_1398445800 SELECT attachmentid, COUNT(*) AS views FROM attachmentviews GROUP BY attachmentid; MySQL Error : Incorrect file format 'attachmentviews'...
  11. Em Kay

    Bug More feedback issues

    This is being tested by users over all kinds of platforms, mobile, safari, ie, ff, chrome ect ect and at this stage, this plugin is completely unusable :( which makes me very sad because it would be a game changer in VB forums for sites like ours that use Classifieds heavily. I had expected a...
  12. K

    Bug Permission denied error when uploading new game

    i get this eror when i want to upload games import - temp - media is 777 but i already import some games 2 weeks ago Warning: file_put_contents(..../dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp/game_battlefield2Th/battlefield2Th.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in...
  13. Replicators

    Bug Monsters not saving on new game

    Whenever i try to make a new character from scratch, it will not save and will send me back to where it shows the list of starting monsters to choose from. At first i thought it was dbseo but found out that it is not, it's forumon itself.
  14. T

    Bug Importing Product, Please Wait...

    I'm attempting to install vBArcade 2.0.2 on vB 5.0.X. Once the files have been uploaded - first when I import receive a 'File Not Found' error as it cannot see the files in the /core/ sub-directory. After I move these to this directory and try again, the page immediately then shows 'Importing...
  15. A

    Bug Possibly exploitable bug with post hashtag handling.

    I have found a possibly exploitable error. When browsing to the last post (from the forum index or any other way) you can append anything to the end and it will think it is valid...
  16. mikez006

    Forum Search by title

    My forum has over 300 forum categories, mostly by video game title, and I think it would be great if there was a quick way for members to search for the forum they wanted without having to manually browse around. For example, lets say there's 5 forum categories called: Starcraft Smite Star...
  17. K

    Legacy suggestions for review system

    first of all thanks for this great tool but i have some important suggestions 1- view images from external links some forums like me has limit disk space and maybe i want to link images from another server or sites in reviews maybe we can have option to disable "upload" fields and can link...
  18. T

    Question wmode=direct

    When trying to play some games in the arcade, the following message appears there is a problem in the html configuration try enabling wmode=direct any suggestions?
  19. W

    Legacy Clean Unused Files

    Hello! Today I have a request for what I HOPE is a simple feature: a button to clean up all unattached files from the server's hard drive. I host a lot of game mods, and when a newer version of those mods comes out they remove the file from the listing... but it still remains taking up space on...
  20. M

    Legacy Add Category to the Manage Games Page

    I have just reloaded y arcade and found all my old tar files on a old hard drive backup from yonks ago!!! Anyway I have 1000 games now :) However editing them one at a time would take for ever. Could we have a drop down beside each game so we can select a category Or Could when you select...