
  1. J

    Question Does the "welcome" activity work with additional usergroups?

    Does the "welcome" activity work when a user is given an additional usergroup, or do they need to change their primary? I tried testing and it seems like it does when you manually put them in it, but then I couldn't get it to work when a promotion gave them the additional group. But the...
  2. Force

    Question Usergroup Legend Management

    Usergroup Legend Management thing it only shows admins no others when I go to showgroups from the forums even know I am in more than one group how can I make it like the way you have it
  3. O

    Bug Gifting Not Working As Intended?

    Gifting items isn't working as intended, or I'm doing something terribly wrong. ITEM: Usergroup Change [Secondary Usergroup ADD for X number of days] Giftable: YES Only Giftable: NO PM on gift: YES Unique: NO Exclusive: NO Allow Re-Configuration: NO Allow Re-Gift: YES Force Hidden: NO The...
  4. V

    Advanced Registration

    users when they register may choose to belong to a certain group?and automatically become part of that group? Thanks
  5. W

    Question Usergroup permission to search

    How can I allow moderators or another admins group to be able to see the search log.
  6. M

    Question Group error

    Hi Fillip H., when I try to create the sitemap in Dbseo plugin it appear this error: What can I do?
  7. C

    Bug Default users set, but only new users are being added

    I installed this mod a few weeks back, and the problem I'm running into is that when I setup a mail group. I set all registered users to be set as subscribed by default, but none of my existing members appear in the group. Only ones that sign up to the forum, after creating the mail list...
  8. A

    Bug Shouts take 60 seconds to display

    I recently upgraded to Shoutbox Pro 6.2.13 and I have a strange issue. After a certain number of shouts, the shoutbox grinds to a crawl...each shout takes 60-65 seconds to post (I timed it), or refreshing the screen causes it to show immediately. I've done some troubleshooting, and it appears to...
  9. D

    Legacy different newsletters for different user groups

    is it possible to create more newsletters for different user groups? Group A has access to Forum A Group B has access to Forum B Group A should not receive Mails from Forum B and vice versa also not
  10. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.9 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.9 in order to resolve issues reported by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB4) - Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB3) -
  11. G

    Bug Social group urls broken when having number at end of title

    Hello, there is one more bug in social group urls. If group title ends up with a number, the group url gets a strange "-a" at the end. I.E.: Group "Sommerbabies 2015" -> Gruppen - BRIGITTE Community Group "Nextentreffen 2014" -> Gruppen - BRIGITTE Community All other groups have correct...
  12. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.3 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.3 in order to address issues reported by the community. This version slightly changes the way the DBSEO CP is loaded in order to fix an incompatibility issue with vBSecurity, as well as resolves an issue where the "Social Group Home URL" setting...
  13. webi

    Bug Public (Joinable) Custom Usergroups

    Hi Fillip H., The link in the User Control Panel for Members List does not work when Rewrite Member List URLs is set to Yes. It all users of the forum are shown and not the individual group. Best Regards
  14. V

    Question Profile fields

    Hi Allows you to insert different fields profile depending on the chosen group? Sorry my english!!! Thanks
  15. neogeox

    Legacy Individual permissions per category

    Hi, sorry for this, but i have a feature request xD Now on each form category, we can set permissions by group, but for me it would be a perfect that on each catyegory, can asign individual users permissions
  16. William Johnson

    Bug Missing USERGROUP settings

    product installed successfully, when I went to configure usergroups there was no text identifying each particular setting - checkboxes are there though. I went ahead and turned all setting for Admin group and everything is working for now. presently waiting for correction to allow me to...
  17. Z

    Legacy Total download by members of a group

    I think I understand the problem to topic : may be it is me who misinterpreted the permissions. In usergroup eg member the options of the group, the line: Downloads Per Day Please enter the maximum Amount of files users of this...
  18. A

    Legacy Alert when Ad sold

    An option needs to be added to send a PM and or email to everyone in a certain user group when an ad is sold.
  19. N

    Bug Delay Between Downloads

    I eliminate the delay between downloads for some groups. It STILL makes them wait 15 secs.
  20. Grumpy

    Bug Invaild SQL

    Matt, Encountered this error since 1.1.6 install. Don't know if it something that needs looking into or not? Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT...