
  1. A

    Question Not loading the site by placing the .htaccess code

    HI By placing the following code in the site file .htaccess will not be loaded : <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On # If you are having problems or are using VirtualDocumentRoot, uncomment this line and set it to your vBulletin directory. # RewriteBase / # If you are having problems...
  2. R

    Bug DBSEO Cpanel Keeps Refreshing

    My dbseo cpanel keeps refreshing. I do have cloudflare but I disabled it and cleared the cache and it is still doing the same thing. I just bought the latest update thinking this would fix it but it hasn't. I have not changed my htaccess or anything in a very long time so that is not the...
  3. M

    Question Bitnami Stack htaccess configuration

    I have a Wordpress / vBulletin stack that I have moved to the Bitnami Wordpress stack. There .htaccess information is stored in the htaccess.conf file with Directory blocks as the location of the htaccess info. <Directory "/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/akismet"> #...
  4. D

    Question Problem with indexed links

    I have approx 25000 broken links, they are well indexed by google and located in valuable sites. Before, I had some changes in htaccess file and they was redirected to my structure, but now they are not work. What I need to add to htaccess file for proper redirection to my threads? Here is a...
  5. J

    Bug dbseo htaccess

    Basically my issue is that whenever I access my admin panel there is a prompt that asks me to input id and password to proceed (htpasswd) and with the current htaccess I can just press cancel and it just bypasses it. I had someoen look at it and they told me its caused by DBSEO htaccess. I...
  6. M

    Question htaccess Entry not Working

    Hi, i would test the arcade Addon. I put all files to the Server and due the htaccess Edits. But if i install the Product, only the Page with the "htaccess Edit hints" are displayed. I use the dbseo too, if this is the Problem ;) Can anyone help?
  7. franzes80

    Question problem htaccess on dbseo

    Hello everyone I changed servers and the dbseo are creating problems.In fact I did not open any discussion on the forum and I think it is due to an htaccess file wrong.I used what was in the dbseo folder as you help? I'm desperate this is the error by disabling dbseo the forum back to work
  8. J

    Bug Login issue without www. included

    I started getting this problem after I installed dbseo with new htaccess. My issue: I'm logged into my forum and my account stays logged in if I include www. in the front of the domain nanme. However, If I take off www. and just write I get logged out or just not logged in at all...
  9. Bulbagarden

    Question Problems after importing vBSEO settings

    Just purchased the product today to move away from vBSEO. It seemed to install correctly, and the vBSEO setting import also appeared to work like a charm. The URL Rewrite Settings were copied over exactly as we had them. However for some reason it seems the URL's aren't actually rewriting...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Nginx Admin Support

    Please can you add Support for Nginx Admin? Nginx Admin – cPanel Nginx automated installer Plugin. Nginx Admin v4.8 Stable Released
  11. T

    Bug Breadcrumb Microdata Problem

    I have recently updated from 1.0.14 to 1.0.17 and my breadcrumb is totally messed up, checked back through the change log and noticed the Breadcrump Microdata feature. Please can you advise how I can get my breadcrumb back in one line not separate lines. Many thanks
  12. T

    Bug Showing twice

    I have this issue Screenshot by Lightshot and was told to disable ALL plugins to see if error was still there and did as told and it shows the same. What can I do to fix that? thanks.
  13. Alexi

    Question Add category and configure it

    Hello, Whatever I do, I get the following msg: You must add at least one category and configure it for the system to function. I have added 10 categories and got the same results! Then I uninstalled and re-installed, but it didn't help at all! Thanks for your time!
  14. forokd

    Question Error with sub-domain

    The only error I found that after installation. I can't run any .php file in SUBDOMAIN.MYFORUM.COM It shows Internal Server Error Maybe a problem of .htaccess ? Need your help. Thanks Daniel
  15. T

    Question dealing with old rewrite now DBSEO installed

    Hi, When I installed DB SEO lite on the forum I made the required changes to the friendly URLS options page in the install instructions. The site originally used the vBulletin rewrite rules, in the structure since installing DBSEO this is now...
  16. B

    Question 404 errors after enabling plugin

    My forum got screwed up this morning. I had VBSEO installed and I had been meaning to install dbseo, hadn't gotten around to doing it. It looks like the best alternative. I had to manually remove vbseo from my site as I was getting errors everywhere and finally I could then log into the...
  17. MRizk21

    Question Issue with Forum Subdomain (Mod Friendly Rewrite)

    Hello Dragonbyte Tech support, I was planning to give the lite version a try before I get the pro one. I installed the Lite one, but it messed up my forum URLs making the forum die, CMS was active and working though. Anyone clicking the forum link from the homepage / cms page will get...
  18. inoputro

    Question DBSEO not taking effect for my forum

    help me, i've been success intalled dbseo, but nothing effect i see dbseo not change my .httaccess couse that any link eror => for eq: 404 Not Found will going to 404 page
  19. inoputro

    Question Can't Instal XML DBSEO

    I've bought DBSEO I'm now trying to install I have to enter everything in the folder uploud but I have trouble installing the product ntuk XML I have tried for hours but could not installed, just "Importing Product, Please Wait ..." what is wrong?
  20. Hoof Hearted

    Question Sitemap Error

    Hello all, Gotta say first - Amazing Product! Luff it :) How do I fix this? Fatal error: Class 'vB_Types' not found in /home/siglab/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php on line 2456 Line 2456: AND contenttypeid = '" . vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Album') . "'...