
  1. K

    Question vbQuiz Navbar button

    Hi, A few problems. First problem I have is with the link in my nav bar. I can right click and open in new tab or window, and the page works, however, when I simply click on the link nothing happens - the associated dropdown menu doesn't work. Permissions are set. Any ideas? Thanks! I...
  2. Bromacia

    Bug Shop has odd placement.

    Good afternoon, Seems there is an issue with placement in the shop. Any ideas?
  3. ringnews24

    Bug Shoutbox Hanging

    Works perfectly fine on Internet Explorer but on Chrome/Firefox it is mega slow. You type out a sentence and it doesn't appear for some time. It's happening with all users. Any ideas?
  4. throjan

    Bug Counter are not displayed in single Posts-View

    In my forum, the counter are not displayed in the single-Post view. examples: correct: incorrect: Any ideas whats wrong?
  5. Z

    Bug Runtime error

    Hi whenever somebody posts a link to newegg on any of my sites with dbseo the link title parses as "runtime error" Example url - Object moved Any ideas? Edit - hmm it parses here as object moved!!!
  6. Jj Michael Smith

    Bug Postbit Tabs

    If I turn on the plugin the product will work for a while then disappear. Any ideas what may be causing this?
  7. Zuker

    Question So slow to take action

    As you can see here It takes SO LONG after clicking "Like" to appear as Liked Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  8. Y

    Bug Tabs Not Highlighting with New Shouts

    After a server move, we have lost the ability to have the chatbox tabs highlight when there are new shouts in them. We have no customization on the chatbox, and this issue is on all forum skins. Any ideas?