
  1. S

    Newsletter software

    Hi Again... OK, the gallery is now installed on my live site and the advanced user tagging is going on next... Happy man now :) I am now looking at one or both of the Mail and Newsletter add-on's... Will these allow me to send text and image based emails to all members or a selection of...
  2. Alan_SP

    HTTPS errors on site with Google ads (mixed content) which blocks by default ads

    As I'm myself in process of transferring to https, I see you still have some problems. You still serve ads from unsecure location, i.e. 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js'. Both ads has this. It should be pretty fast to solve this. I use adblocker, but I always...
  3. lch8

    Question Internal links not rewritten

    I have installed dbseo on my test forum and forum urls appear to be redirecting correctly. I tested generating a sitemap, and urls in sitemap are in the correct format (i.e. Example Domain). However, when you hover over links in the forum, they appear in the standard vbulletin format (i.e...
  4. iraqiboy90

    Question Font size and defaults

    Hi I want to edit the default font size and the selectable fonts sizes on the chatbox. i.e. 10px, 12, 14, etc.