
  1. scalemotorcars

    Question 3rdparty Error with Youtube URL

    Ive been running AME3 for years BB Code Enhancements - AME3 - Auto Media Embeding and Video Extender - Forum and its been working fine but I just noticed after installing DBseo that I get an error when posting a Youtube url. Any ideal how to resolve it?
  2. S

    Question Error while installing

    Hi, I'm getting this error while installing. Can you please make an edited one of this version, so that I can install it ? I really appreciate it. Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0 Created Table: dbtech_usertag_mention Created Table: dbtech_usertag_tag Altered Table: administrator Altered...
  3. A

    Bug Installing another language breaks the vbshout time?

    Installing another official vbulletin language seems to break the time format. Instead of displaying "[10:49 AM] Username: Message" it will show "[h:i A] Username: Message". Any ideas what variable/template/phrase needs to be modified?
  4. T

    Legacy Sub-domain for one category of forums?

    What about would have to go into dbseo to make it so a set of forums would work on a separate sub-domain than other forums on the same site? Could it all be done with redirects or would you have to go as far as installing vbulletin again inside the sub-domain?
  5. A

    Bug Email subscription notification stopped working after installing dbseo.

    Email subscription notification stopped working after installing dbseo. It's still scheduled but not sending it at specific hour.
  6. A

    Bug fpss (front page slideshow) stopped working after installing dbseo

    Fpss (front page slideshow) stopped working after installing dbseo, it's not loading main picture.
  7. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Spiders Display Ability

    Please can you add option Spiders Display Ability without installing boofo mod ?
  8. S

    Question How to manually uninstall?

    How would I go about manually uninstalling? seemed to work for a few min after install and then white pages for admincp and main forum. Only change that was made was installing this mod. I have added the define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); to config.php with no change.