
  1. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.20 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.20 in order to implement changes requested by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB4) - Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB3) -...
  2. H

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags for Forums

    Dynamic Meta Tags for forums is not working with turkish characters. For example: Forum name is "Forum Kullanımı" Keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="Forum,Kullanıı,Forum Kullanımı " /> It must be like this: Keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="Forum,Kullanımı,Forum Kullanımı "...
  3. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.8 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.8 in order to implemented features requested by the community. Administrators now have the option to turn off the ability for moderators to edit a thread's meta keywords and description. If you like the product you can show your support by...
  4. 1quicksi

    Question Manage Keywords

    I asked about the amount of keywords here: Since I added the list, the site's response is majorly impacted. How do I flush out the key word list? Mine is way too large and will not display the list and until you can add pagination.
  5. 1quicksi

    Question Keywords

    When enabling content tagging it is my understanding that it will only tag keywords that are listed under the keyword manager. While typically I would think one would want words that are SEO related words that are related to their site my issue is the site I run is very generalized with well...
  6. 3

    Question stop keywords?

    since last update I see a column in the database "keywords" is filled with words separated by commas, and is negatively influencing seo, since they are not descriptive or key word and which in themselves have no content. As I can stop this? I do not want keywords .. please.
  7. M

    Legacy Keywords and Descriptions for Forums

    Hi, I really like the way that I can edit threads to have my own Keywords and Descriptions for individual threads. I wondered if you could add the ability to have your own keywords and descriptions on a per forum basis? Is this something that is already possible? have I missed something...
  8. L

    Question Store tags in EXIF Keyword Meta-data Field

    Hi, I am a licensed Pro user of your Gallery product. May I know if you can advise on the PHP file(s) and data tables/columns to examine/pull in order to extract the "Tags" in this page: Viewing Image: batu caves.jpg - Discuss SG I am trying to modify the Gallery upload script to...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Custom Meta Keywords And Descriptions

    Please can you add option Enable or Disable custom keywords OR Meta Description via the Edit Thread menu? Features Option: Enable or Disable custom keywords OR Meta Description via the Edit Thread menu Ability to enable or disable custom keywords without removing them from the database Ability...
  10. T

    Question Generated Tags not very intuitive

    I'm questioning the usability of the auto tag feature, especially when it's returning tags like "have, just, them, there they, you, had, got" Any way to make this more useful besides limiting it to titles and keywords?
  11. T

    Legacy Import list of keywords?

    Adding keywords individually is a bit cumbersome. Can a feature be added to add keywords in bulk?
  12. H

    Question What is the purpose of high priority keywords vs. medium priority keywords

    I just installed 1.1.8 and entered in a bunch of keywords in the keyword manager. I used the Google Adwords tool to come up with a good list of keywords. Then I turned on thread tagging, enabling the following features: Content Tagging: Keyword Only - Yes Enable Thread Tagging - Yes After...
  13. bzcomputers

    Legacy Request Keywords be automatically sorted alphabetically under "Manage Keywords"

    Request Keywords be automatically sorted alphabetically under "Manage Keywords" It would be nice to have the keywords sorted by default, especially for those who are going to use the "Keyword Only" option and will have a long list. At this time it does not appear the list is paginated either...
  14. J

    Bug Stopwords not working properly - utf?

    I have a problem with stopwords in content tagging - it seems that partial phrases are being matched, cutting off single letters or sylables from words. For example I have the following stopwords: ci się w and on this thread ci??aróweczki po in vitro I get the following keywords tag: <meta...
  15. B

    Question What are the keywords used for?

    What are the keywords used for? Difference between the different priorities? I can't find any documentation for this feature.
  16. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Turn words into links

    Please can you add option is to automatically turn keywords or phrases specify into links.