
  1. C

    Donation module presale question

    Hi there! Love the look of your add-ons, but I am curious.. as I am in need of a donation module and the one built into xenforo does not seem to be very 'friendly.' I like yours, but I am curious about the following: 1) Can it handle multiple, re-occurring, donation options - as the built in...
  2. mikez006

    Question Hid Mention Tab

    Is there a way to hid the "mention" tab so a member can only view their own mention tab?
  3. B

    DragonByte Newsletter Question

    Hello, I'm also your customer and I'll buy DragonByte Newsletter. But I have some question. I have around 600.000 member and 6000-7000 online member most of time. Before we never use newsletter system, because we don't know the effect. Our server powerful , any practise before high value...
  4. premieritzone

    New member Introduction!

    Hello Dragonbyte Forum members, My Name is Hardeep, i'm from Delhi India, i'm Web Designer
  5. PabloAM

    Question Member Map compatible with VB5??

    Hello, Is "Member Map" compatible with Vbulletin 5? Thanks!
  6. djbaxter

    Legacy Display Total Thanks & Likes on Member Profile Page

    Requesting feature to display a member's total thanks and likes on his/her member profile page. I understand there is no way to do this currently.
  7. M

    Question Members giving each other credits?

    Hi Fillip H., A member asked me today if he can send some of his DWCASH (our credits) to another member for helping him, and I assumed he could... but he posted back saying he does not have any option to give DWCASH to another member? The closest option I could find is: Can Adjust...
  8. Fillip H.

    DragonByte vBForms v2.2.5 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte vBForms v2.2.5 in order to implement functionality requested by the community. If you like the product, you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here, [DBTech] DragonByte vBForms v2 (vB4) - Forum or here [DBTech]...
  9. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.25 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.25 in order to fix issues reported by the community and add functionality. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB4) - Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB3)...
  10. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 3 for XenForo Released

    Hey all, After collecting feedback on the previous Bets version, we're releasing DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 4 for XenForo in order to implement multiple improvements to the design & functionality in order to make it look & feel more like a native xenForo application. If you like the product...
  11. mikez006

    Bug Bug - Negative credits

    A member said he had 305 credits. He transferred 250 to another member He should have had 55 credits left. His credits instead showed -180 credits I then added 235 credits to his account from my account to fix the problem. Instead of having 55 credits, he ended up having 235 credits. I...
  12. G

    Question Not working for usernames with a space in them.

    Today I installed the Lite version of Advanced Tagging and it seems to be just what my members are asking for. Unfortunately it does not tag properly when a member name has a space in it, and I've got many like that. I've tried using the semi-colon at the end and it makes no difference. The...
  13. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.12 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.12 in order to implement functionality requested by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB4) - Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB3) -...
  14. M

    Legacy Classifieds not showing in Memebr control panel

    Hi Have installed the classifieds and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks for a great product. Only thing I can not get to work properly is Viewing my classifieds in Member control panel. I go into Member Control Panel and then click on My Classifieds, but I get a blank section where...
  15. Drahnier

    Bug Member Profile Pages being Incorrectly Rewritten

    I've noticed recently that when people on my forum get visitor message notifications (DBT vBNotifications) and click the notif box to view it, their member page loads incorrectly and all links on the page are broken. It's most obvious that there is a page issue because all of the images resolve...
  16. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v1.4.6 Released

    Hey all, DragonByte SEO v1.4.6 has been released, fixing a bug with the remote title fetching code as well as changing some default settings for better compatibility. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v1 (vB4) -...
  17. Papa Bear

    Bug Stemap Build Error

    After upgrading to v 1.3.6 i get this error when trying to build a sitemap.. Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php on line 514
  18. Nirjonadda

    Legacy ReVerify Email

    Please can you add option Re Verify Email for if member changing thier email via User CP?
  19. EasyEasy

    Bug You are currently flagged as Idle error

    Hi Just setting up the new version however when it flags a member as idle and you go to click HERE to refresh its not working. Only way to get a member out of idle is to refresh the whole page. Account details are still active if you need them
  20. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Auto Change Featured to Live Streaming Member

    Is it possible to have the featured member changed to a live streaming member automatically?