
  1. N

    Bug Where are notifications?

    Hi I just wondered where the quotes and mentions go? I have tried to do a mention and it shows one I have mentioned somebody else in. However I have been quoted and mentioned and they dont display in the page: http://domain/members/2-Nick?tab=quotes#quotes Same with mentions, it just shows 1...
  2. S

    Legacy Feature Request: Mentions, Tags, Quotes have links to threads in profile area

    Super awesome addition my forum community are loving the ability to tag!! Unless I"m missing something - it would be amazing that if from the users notifications in the top bar, once clicked it brings them to the profile page and tells them they were mentioned. Has it been looked into that an...
  3. K

    Question Usergroup / Mod forum exclusion

    Hello, I can't seem to find anything anywhere about the usergroup permissions? Trying to figure out if someone is quoted or mentioned in a mod forum users won't be notified about it. Right now we're using this Quote Notification via PM - Forum and when a user is mentioned or...
  4. T

    Question Professional Install - No email alerts

    Hello, About 2 weeks ago you guys performed the professional install of the Advanced User Tagging add-on. The forum users, however, are not being alerted via email when they are tagged or mentioned in posts. Can you please assist in resolving this issue? Thank you very much. - Chris