
  1. S

    Question What is the different between tags and mentions?

    Hello. What is the different between tags and mentions? If someone tag me it is like Username but when someone mention me it will do it with Username as well. :eek:
  2. M

    Legacy Support mentions in mobile api

    vBulletin Mobile 1.14 Mentions are not displayed
  3. K

    Bug Have Post templates work with Mentions?

    Hello, Is it possible to have the post templates work with the Mentions mod? Testing it out and creating some templates and notice using the @ Username doesn't link to the username. Thank you!
  4. Fillip H.

    Advanced User Tagging v3.2.5 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing Advanced User Tagging v3.2.5 in order to implement features suggested by our community. This release features Desktop Notifications for Mentions, Quotes and Thread Tags in supported browsers! If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for Mod...
  5. bzcomputers

    Code showing at top of mentions page...

    Seeing this at the top of the "Mentions" page...
  6. N

    Bug Where are notifications?

    Hi I just wondered where the quotes and mentions go? I have tried to do a mention and it shows one I have mentioned somebody else in. However I have been quoted and mentioned and they dont display in the page: http://domain/members/2-Nick?tab=quotes#quotes Same with mentions, it just shows 1...
  7. S

    Legacy Feature Request: Mentions, Tags, Quotes have links to threads in profile area

    Super awesome addition my forum community are loving the ability to tag!! Unless I"m missing something - it would be amazing that if from the users notifications in the top bar, once clicked it brings them to the profile page and tells them they were mentioned. Has it been looked into that an...
  8. D

    Bug Privacy Options

    Hello, under a new install, privacy options ser under user control panel are not working well (tested with mentions and quotes).
  9. BigDadie

    Question hash tags and group mentions not working after update

    as far as I can tell, all the files were updated correctly on my server. our settings have group mentions and hash tags enabled but they don't work. they did work before I updated the files. can I get someone to take a look at this or give me a push in the right direction please? I can provide...