
  1. S

    Say hi!

    Hello guys, my name is Gates. Nice to meet you.
  2. R

    Classifieds Ad Renewals

    When a user visits their "User Control Pattern" right now if an ad has ended, it is no longer available to them. I think it might be nice if they continued to have access to expired ads so that they can easily relist them or delete them as they choose.
  3. AnjaC

    Question Missing description/phrase

    Hello Fillip, we have after w new installation of vbquiz two issues with a missing phrase and missing description at two fields. I made two screenshots. It would be nice if you can help us to fix this! Thanks! Greetings Klaus
  4. J


    the store you guys use to sell your plugins, why isn't that offered on this site? Store mods out there currently suck for vb4, yours actually seems to have some nice features.
  5. Trekkan

    Legacy Image preview

    It would be nice to have a smaller preview image when in the admin panel. It seems I tend to have multiple images for the same games, etc. I could use the titles, but it's hard to describe a screenshot cutout, etc. So having a smaller image next to each would be nice for quick identification.
  6. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Logging and Email Reporting

    I know, I know here I go again with my logs and reports......:) Would be nice to have the system email a small report to the admin of who the inactive email was sent to. Would also be nice to have a log of all users who have been sent an inactive email which can be pruned.
  7. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Featured Live Streaming Box

    Would it be possible to have the ability to reposition this box? I would like to position it below my notices for guests. A usergroup permission may also be a nice feature.
  8. M

    Legacy Google Analytics Anonymize IP

    I use Google Analytics' anonymize IP parameter. ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); Google says that causes GA to anonymize the last octet of IPV4 and the last 80 bits of IPV6 addresses before recording them. vBSEO supported that in its...