
  1. Zambfd

    Bug ISO-Forum, title replacement problem with special characters in target sites w. utf-8

    Hi, our forum is using the ISO-8859-1 character set for historical reasons... The Problem is, if our users are posting a url and the target site is using the utf-8 characer set your url title fetcher changes special characters like "ü ä ö" to vowels "u a o" instead of "ue ao oe" or just not...
  2. M

    Bug Non Latin Characters broken after update from DBSEO 2.0.29 to 2.0.3x

    Hi, i have an Problem with the rewrite. at DBSEO Vers. 2.0.29 any Link with non Latin Characters are shown like this. domain/tuv-forum/ After Update to DBSEO 2.0.3x (30 and 31) the url is this domain/t-v-forum/ i have no one changed in the Settings after upgrade. The Settings are Filter...
  3. Fillip H.

    Advanced User Tagging v3.2.4

    Hey all, We're releasing Advanced User Tagging v3.2.4 in order to implement features suggested by our community. This release improves the support for non-latin characters for Hash Tags. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for Mod of the Month here: Advanced...