
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy More Open Graph Images

    It is a standard which Facebook and other big social networking sites use to extract information from a web page being shared/posted on their site. Open Graph meta tags tell Facebook the URL of the page to share, the title of the page, the type of content, and also one or more images to be used...
  2. H

    Question og:title is empty

    the og:title tag is always empty these are the og meta tags for a given thread: ____________________________________________________________________________ <meta property="og:image" content="http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/4703/4kzb.jpg" /><meta property="fb:app_id"...
  3. bzcomputers

    Legacy Increase SEO by adding additional meta tags to page header.

    I currently modify the dbtech_downloads template to increase SEO. I change this: To this: What I'd like to do is be able to add the category description / file description (first 150 chars) into the description tags for their appropriate pages in order to make all the tags unique. Are...
  4. J

    Bug My observations

    I have installed dbseo on my test forum @ 401 Authorization Required 1. Installation was smooth but I think the documentation should have a step by step upgrade from vbseo walkthrough (I didn't know when to turn off vbseo for example). 2. Rules - my custom rules were not transferred to dbseo...