
  1. P

    Shop/points shop

    Hey, I am looking for something similar to the steam store/points system. I want users to receive points everytime they purchase something in dragonbyte ecommerce. After they should be able to use these points to buy forum perks like username display effects or avatar frames etc. Also there...
  2. P

    Pending Loyalty points

    Hi, I hope this is the right forum for this type of thread :) Im not sure if a feature like this already exists in the ecommerce addon. But a lot of big retailers such as amazon for instance use a system like "loyalty points". Means f.e. everytime you pruchase something on amazon, you will...
  3. B

    Question Purchase Points

    I have both vBcredits II Pro and vBShop Lite installed and working on the same table. Users are able to earn points without issue but I'd like to let users purchase points in case they don't want to wait to earn the points. Is this possible and how do I go about doing this?
  4. H

    Question recalculate point for specific user

    Hello I installed "[DBTech] vBActivity & Awards v3 (vB4)" on 4.2.5. My forum had more than 50000 registered users and more than 1800000 posts. So recalculating points require several hours. When i start reclculating process, the process had stopped at one specific user (whose posts are more than...
  5. O

    Bug Error When Saving Points Settings

    After a upgrade from vb 4.2.2 to vb 4.2.5 I get this error when trying to save points settings: Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 76 in /forum/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_dm_type.php #0 /forum/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php(373)...
  6. V

    Question Maximum Times Doesn't Take Effect

    I'm very perplexed by this issue and would really appreciate any light anyone could shed on this! In "Activity Amounts Configuration" I created the following 2 "Post" events: 1)With "Post Amount" = 10 and "Maximum Times" = 20. 2)With "Post Amount" = 2 and "Maximum Times" = [blank]. The idea...
  7. A

    Question Possible to integrate points system with vbClassifieds?

    I am looking for a store with physical/shippable goods that I can incorporate a points system (like vbExperience). I am still in the process of developing and launching the site so flexible as long as I can get this to work. Possible for vbClassifieds to work with a custom created currency?
  8. V

    Question How to Make vBActivity and vBCredits Play Together

    Hi! I'm trying to make vBActivity and vBCredits work together. vBActivity allows for achievements and awards to be given. vBCredits allows for fine-tuning of how points are assigned - for example you can assign different points for posting threads for each subforum. This seems like a really...
  9. V

    Question How to get multiple plugins to use the same points system

    I've noticed that several of the plugins each seems to be using its own separate points system: Would it be possible to have them use a centralized points system - e.g. user points acquired through VBCredits? Thanks very much! Amy
  10. S

    Bug Disabled points for admin but in some posts they will shown

    Hello. I disabled for the admin usergroup the points. Normally when I disabled the points, they will not shown in the userbit info. Butin some posts they will displayed and in some not. When I edit a post where are no points in the userinfo, they will shown after the edit. Why?
  11. S

    Question How to setup "Interest"?

    I want that premium users will get the Interest. I want that they get x0.01 a day. So if they have 100 points, they will get 1 point a day. How do I setup this?
  12. S

    Question How to remove points of deleted posts from other member?

    Hello. When a user spam posts, I delete these posts. But then, the user will keep the points for the deleted posts. When I delete my own posts, it will remove the points. Why not when the Admin delete posts? Is it possible?
  13. S

    Legacy Coding Request for vBCredits

  14. Mantis

    Bug Events processing twice?

    I noticed there are still problems with vBCredits, but I don't know why. The post bonus is 5 points. However, when I post I notice it has increased by 10. Having said that, the credits.php page shows the correct (5) amount. So I have no idea why it added an extra 5. I double-checked vBActivity...
  15. S

    Question How to use Points from vBCredits to enter raffle?

    Hello. What should I enter there that user can use their points from vBCredit to enter the raffle? I am using vBActivity too for generate points. But these points are just for Awards. So when user reach 10 points they will get award X. No I added vBCredit to have a currency in the forum...
  16. D

    vB Awards and Activity Questions

    Hey guys, I'm considering changing from vBExperience by Phalanx to vB Awards and Activities primarily because of your vBcredits integration (also your ongoing product support is reassuring); however, before I do I have a few questions. I've scoured the available help documentation and these...
  17. ClaFV

    Question swicht postbit tab - not work

    I'm also trying this mod, but not by clicking on the switch points between the tabs what could be your problem ? Thanks for support !
  18. H

    Bug Duplicate posts after updating VB Shop

    After upgrading VB Shop and adding reputation points as a new currency, all new posts on our forum were posted twice. I took the forum offline, disabled the plugins one by one until I found the conflict. It was VB Credits (version 2.1.1). After disabling VB Credits all of the duplicate posts...
  19. W2OE Prodigy

    Dragonbyte Shop & Credits

    I was wondering in order for the shop to work correctly if the Credits add-on would be required too? Or does the shop have it's own point system where users get points for posting for example and can use those points in the Shop? Is Credits needed for the shop to populate the points from?
  20. N

    Points system features question

    I just have few questions regarding points system. I need the below requirement.Any of your plugins having those requirements. If a thread posted user need to earn points. (Only selected forums) If user replied to a thread other than his own thread in selected forum he need to loose x number...