
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Cookie Control Style

    Please can you add option for Cookie Control showing on above/below on the page. Ex: details with popup:
  2. Fillip H.

    Cookie Control v1.0.0 Patch Level 1 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing Cookie Control v1.0.0 Patch Level 1 in order to fix issues reported by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: Cookie Control v1 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate it to help cancel...
  3. Fillip H.

    New Mod: Cookie Control v1.0.0 Released

    Hey all, We're proud to present the newest modification in our lineup; Cookie Control! As the deadline for Google's penalisation of sites that do not comply with EU's cookie laws draw near, we wanted to provide a feature-rich management mod that not only helps your site stay compliant, but also...
  4. Fillip H.

    vBShop v3.2.2 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing vBShop v3.2.2 in order to add features requested by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBShop v3 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum or here vBShop v3 (vB3) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate...
  5. iraqiboy90

    Question Light/Dark popup?

    Hi I'm using a dark theme on my website, so I tried to edit the popup box that shows up after clicking the number amount. While I was trying to edit the css, I stumbled upon some css names which says ui-tooltip-dark and ui-tooltip-light Does this mean that there is somehow an option somewhere...
  6. A

    Question No popup but static page?

    Hi, While vbcredits installed, I see that created a link to navbar called Transactions, also a sublink to Forum called Currency that after clicks when selecting points or credits opens a popup where users can donate credits to other users. My point is can this popup be as static page below the...
  7. anicolac

    Question Time format error in Spanish language

    [solved] Time format error in Spanish language Hello. Does anyone know what files I need to modify to fix this? If I have selected the Spanish language, date / time, only one "r". url: Apple Maníacos with the English language, yes it looks good I thought it may come caused by...
  8. iraqiboy90

    Legacy A popup userlist for Compact Display Style

    Hi Like mentioned above, on the title. Clicking on the numbers pops up a list, with time of when users clicked on thank/like. Clicking on the icon, does the normal action. regards
  9. Drahnier

    Bug Buttons Not Working after Move - PHP Version Issue? (vB 4.2.2)

    This isn't really a bug, but was the best of the category options available. Sorry! I recently moved my site over to a new host and installed upgraded versions of all the server software. One of these upgrades was moving the PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5, which is not officially supported by vB...
  10. madmaxmangos

    vbShout & copyright footer issue

    Hey, 2 problems. 1. vbShout - Using the "Primus" theme the tabs in the shoutbox seem to blued-out, you can't read them without making them active (see screenshot). 2. The Dragonbyte footer copyright would be better if it was put into one sentence with a button/link to click which opens up a...
  11. M

    Bug Leave page popup error

    Hi Fillip H., I have a small issue that started on monday, well to be honest I cannot replicate it but my members are saying occasionally they are getting the leave page popup when they click the "submit post" button. So basically they are writing their post then when they press to submit the...
  12. M

    Bug Postage Bugs

    Hi Mokonzi, When you go down to the bottom of the postage options and you get to countries the items are not in alphabetical order. I have had 2 pm's saying to me that the United Kingdom is not in the list? After looking into it I found it up Gabon lol... quite funny really but i guess they...
  13. U

    Bug Member profile descripiton empty when custome profile url used

    i noticed at googe webmaster tools member profile urls wrongly indexed <meta name="description" content=" is a in the Ecoiner Forums. View 's profile."/> username variable seems not working iused members/[user_id]-[user_name]/ format....
  14. Digital Jedi

    Bug Recalculating Credits Hangs Indefinitely

    Curious if maybe I've have a deeper issue with my installation, or if I should configure this differently. We've been offline for a couple of years, and I'm not really sure when I uninstalled vBCredits. But I apparently had. So we're all back to 0. It's not a large forum, with only a little...
  15. V

    Bug Various Unimportant Bugs Classifieds 13 Beta

    1. no value "Seller", only "Buyer", even in my ads for sale 2. my nickname and nickname buyer replaced with * 3. need icon "close" on popup "Leave Feedback", otherwise popup will not close. I am sorry that did not separate problems on specific topics, not enough time.
  16. K

    Bug i am facing trouble when click on any button

    Hello Respected SIR, i have bought ( Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro ) and brother every thing is working fine but when i click on any button like thanks or like or dislike etc its show me a popup with this text ( [objectXMLDocument] ) and the thanks,like or dislike work fine after this popup...
  17. V

    Question Clear Flag

    Hello. I have noticed that you can change the location but you can not remove a mark. you can tell me how can I allow users to delete their own location? thanks
  18. L

    Legacy Various Requests

    Hi Would be nice to see some features vbSEO supports 1.) Enable Adsense Section Targeting? BETA Select "Yes" to add Google AdSense section tags to relevant parts of your forum pages within forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. 2.) Option to rewrite the Archive 3.) Relevant Replacements, is...
  19. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Listing

    I clicked to offer on my own item in a WANTED listing and I got the following error popup: See attached image:
  20. Fillip H.

    Legacy More user-friendly rating reminder

    When you submit a review, if you forgot to leave stars it pops up "hey, click here to give star rating" and you can rate from the popup.