I'm testing the demo quiz and so far, after a couple hotfixes, it's working fine. I'd like to remove the comments that have been made, how do I go about doing that? I don't see anything on the quiz main page or in the acp to accomplish this. Thanks.
A few problems. First problem I have is with the link in my nav bar. I can right click and open in new tab or window, and the page works, however, when I simply click on the link nothing happens - the associated dropdown menu doesn't work. Permissions are set. Any ideas? Thanks!
When I run a quiz with different questions, the timer remains above the first, so it is not visible and many times I can not finish on time the quiz.
it would be possible to have a free float timer at the bottom?
I'd like very much this update.
Thanks to evaluate my proposal
I was wrong section. I was referring to the mod. vBQuiz.
It's possible move this topic ?
I apologize, sorry
I have the versione PRO
The function REPLY in Scored Quiz Submission Post Type not work
Hi support,
i have the PRO version but, I do not understand these scores
My setting
I see no difference between Point or Percentual
Type Score is Weighted Score
what difference with even score ?
Quiz Variety - 2 question
because with 4 Incorrect - 9 correct = 100% ?
Quiz Matching...
I am testing VBQuiz and I have successfully installed it. However after creating one category this category and the default category do not show up on the drop down when creating a new quiz.
Because I am testing I have only given Admins and Mods access to create or view the quiz etc...
If you modify a quiz (example: change the name) by going to Admin > DBTech - vBQuiz > Category Management > Modify (for whichever category) when you go to edit any quiz that is a member of that category you will be unable to do so because the category is no longer in the category drop box...
When clicking "Like" for a quiz the activity feed shows the like as being for the generic No Mutants Allowed - Your Post Nuclear News Center! site itself, rather than the specific quiz. Other vBulletin like features do not function this way, for example if you were to "Like" a specific thread...
I made one quiz and thread is created ok ...with info about creator and name of quiz...
when i clik on quiz name i get vbulletin error message " We are sorry but the quiz you are trying to reach does not exist. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is an error."
Please some help...
Have same problem what was posted here
and here
In my admincp i made few categories and everything is ok with permissions but can not...