
  1. webi

    Bug No Rewrite vbDownloads after Reinstall

    Hi Fillip, after an uninstall and reinstallation unfortunately the rewrite for the vbDownloads no longer works. Rewrite is enabled for vbDownloads but it remains vbdownloads.php instead of downloads.html. Best Regards
  2. A

    Bug Chaning Category issue

    Hi, When you select a sub-category and then change the main category, then sub-category still remains. Check on this: Donate Your Books Select DElhi >> School Books >> Class1 Now try changing School Books to any other category, Class1 remains which should not happen.
  3. A

    Bug The categories is always "NO"

    Hi! I tried to install locally the lite version, I set all the permissions but the status of the categories remains "active: NO" Where am I wrong? Thanks for the support