
  1. ClaFV

    Question Scored Quiz Submission Post Type

    I have the versione PRO The function REPLY in Scored Quiz Submission Post Type not work with "reply" the post is not created under the topic with correct object with "new" creates each time a new topic but it is not what I want! Thanks for support
  2. Norman

    Question Duplicated jQuery

    In my forum I currently have this: <script data-cfasync="true" data-rocketsrc="" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script...
  3. J

    Question Place LIKE button right next to the postbit controls (reply / reply with quote)

    Hello, I have the PRO version. How do I place the Like button right next to the postbit controls "Reply" "Reply With Quote" ? I've searched here and but haven't come across the answer. Thank you.
  4. D

    Legacy Quote text notificacion

    Feature request: In post preview for quote notifications: would be better show message after user quote. Currently preview shows quote instead quote reply.
  5. T

    Legacy Require thread reply to like any posts in that thread per forum

    My members don't like it when someone just clicks like/thanks and doesn't participate in a thread. So, I would like to request that an option be added to require a thread reply before any posts in that thread can be liked, on a per forum basis. (I realize I've been requesting a lot of things...
  6. angeljs

    Question Clash with other mod

    I know this isn't your mod's fault, but I've tried posting in the mod developer's forums, but the support is terrible. I'm using vBadvanced Dynamics for my downloads section, but when your mod is active, I get the following error message when I try to use the advanced reply instead of the quick...
  7. Carpesimia

    Bug Integration with DBSEO issues

    Ok, this works fine most of the time. The issue is with the postbit and the part that collapses it. If you reply to a post, and then on that next page, click the postbit to unhide the information, the page has issues. This is because the postbit hide/unhide button has this url...
  8. A

    Question Editor Image in Quick Reply

    I couldn't provide a website URL because my forum isn't online yet, I'm setting it up on my localhost. I'm wondering how I can have the editor image (the camera that lets you add images from the gallery right on your posts in the editor) to the quick reply toolbar as well? I prefer quick reply...