
  1. T

    Question Adding attachements of different file types to a review

    Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to upload files of different types to a review. Specifically I wanted to upload a .gpx file which is a GPS route, to allow others to download use and then review. Would this be possible? Thanks Case
  2. J

    Bug Feedback System a bit screwed up

    OK, So a member just recently reported that when he left feedback he ended doing it for himself rather than giving feedback to the person who bought something from. I checked this out when I got a notification that I was left feedback and that feedback is marked as if I left it rather than the...
  3. bzcomputers

    Question Reducing server load and page load times by moving rules from .htaccess to httpd.conf

    I was going to do some testing on moving .htaccess rules directly into httpd.conf to see if I could squeeze a little better performance overall out of vb4 in general. I personally have a substantial amount of rewrite rules already that I wanted to move from .htaccess to httpd.conf and figured to...
  4. N

    Bug Conflict with Tapatalk?

    Since installing 1.1.ob1, I get the following error with Tapatalk 4.9.1. I DISABLED the classifieds mod and the errors STOPPED! 9:24 AM (14 minutes ago) to nelson Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL...
  5. Nirjonadda

    Question Custom 404 Error Page

    How to Create Custom 404 Error Page? DBSEO have a Custom 404 Error Page php file?
  6. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug External Link in Posts route with website domain

    This is an old post on my website but the link has a redirect added to it that turns the external link into a link back to the forums... Here is the threat just click or hover any link: 03-07-2013 My New Personal Systems Build This is what one of the links look like...
  7. A

    Question mail chimp support

    Hello, Would you please tell me if this product supports MailChimp ? thank you
  8. O

    Legacy Evets on map

    Hi, it would be great if a member could choose to put the location of an event on the map. To keep visibility it might be required to filter out members when viewing the map. However, a member should then have the possibility to rout himself to the location.
  9. D

    Bug vbDonate Contribution Table

    Hello, I'm having issues with this vBDonator mod, I've installed it and it looks real nice, but when I view "My Contributions", "View Confirmed Contributions", "View UnConfirmed Contributions, "View Anonymous Contributions, and "View UnDisclosed Contributions". The table below is always off...
  10. J

    Bug Users complaining of losing all their "gold"

    Had a member contact me tonight asking where all of their credits went. This is the second member to ask me this in the last month. I looked at their transactions and there is nothing to indicate why they were completely wiped out of currency. I have no idea why this happened. Attempted to...
  11. TandyServices

    Over did my site

    I think I will have to back away from all the mods I have from you guys. As of now my site seems to be slowing way down. I think I sort of over did it with all your mods I got. ARCADE: One of my biggest problem is with the arcade. After I imported the games I started getting errors and the...
  12. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Vbulletin 4.2.0 Top DB NavBar Gone

    Just wondering if anyone upgraded to the latest VBulletin... They added a Navigation Manager which is a new way to add custom links to the navigation menu location is under the AdminCP, Settings, Navigation Manager... Only thing missing is ability to add images and second navigation bar... The...
  13. T

    Bug XHTML Validation Errors with Slider

    My homepage now has 6 errors after the slider was installed. Some are stupid ones like missing ALT tags for the images. But where can I fix these errors??
  14. GoodApples

    Create Route Maps

    Anyone interested in Creating Routes? Who would like to see dbtech create this mod?
  15. D

    Triple Triad Card/Award Display Request

    Unless im mistaken there is no way for a user to show off his cards. I mean you can see statistics and such but thats it. 1. I guess what I am saying is maybe te OPTION for an admin to input a small graphical icon when building decks to be used in the postbit, or maybe user profile...
  16. blinkster

    Bug vB Optimise Causing Site Slow Down

    Up until a few days ago my forum was running along nicely but then i was seeing and getting reports of massive slow down with the site, so as you do of you go to track down a possible problem and one by one i worked through the possible causes and nothing had any effect. Strange thing is this...
  17. K

    Legacy Will vBOptimise add features like vB4 SuperCharged has?

    Is vBOptimise thinking about implementing some features like vB4 SuperCharged has? Compressing CSS or JS?
  18. HiTeck Techkings

    Post not showing after thanks given when required.

    I dont know why I am having problems with this, I dont usually have problems with mods lol. Here is what a member posted on my forum with the required like button ticked. So without thanks it looks like this, Looks as it should, BUT when a user clicks thanks it doesn't show anything...
  19. S

    full page caching for guests conflicts with vBEnterprise Translator

    Hi I have vBOptimise Pro 2.0.1 and vBEnterprisetranslator (vBET 4.2.1) installed Both products are needed on my forum. It works perfect but translated pages don't get shown fully or bring up errors or behave strangely. The conflict lies in full page caching for guests. Can you please sort...