
  1. CharlieDelta

    Bug Note Heading - Bad Link

    The note heading links point to bad url what looks to be edit. Would it also be possible to add some separation between the notes listed? Other than that adding notes was easy and displaying number of notes seemed to look fine.
  2. O

    Legacy Separate (exclude) notifications from the main shoutbox channel

    hi! my question is pretty simple: how do i exclude notifications from the main shoutbox channel, thus keeping it only in the notifications channel? i can't seem to find that function. the way it is now, notifications are doubling and the shoutbox is messed up.
  3. T

    Question Upgrade from Lite to Pro

    We're considering using this mod on our site, and if we like it we will definitely upgrade. However, the one caveat is the @ symbol. A lot of people on the site don't want that, and I want to confirm that upgrading to the Pro version removes that. If it does, how does a name get represented as...
  4. EasyEasy

    Question Post seperation

    Hello. Im currently running a couple of dark skins on the forum. The separator between the posts in the feed cannot or hardly been seen. Is there a way to change this in the css or is it something we need to request from yourself. Thanks in advance