trophy images

  1. H

    Question DBT Default Trophys and Default Achivement Criteria/Images

    Hi is there any way i can have or purchase DBT default trophys and default achievement criteria/images It would be so much easier than setting up my own criteria and making my own icons. Thanks.
  2. Freekoid

    Legacy Not have trophy images from vBA show in thanks area

    Because this is related to vbActivity, the actual problem resides in vbAPTL. The suggestion is to not have the trophy images show in the thanks cloud as it makes the forum look rather chunky and clumsy. Ta
  3. Ozzy47

    Legacy Make icons accessible

    Have a trophy icon for all players that are not in the top 3 so in the Most Trophies and Longest Players blocks, it looks consistent. Right now it just don't look right if you choose to display more than 3 players. I was thinking a blank icon, but that might not look right either.
  4. Mokonzi

    Alignment of Postbit Trophy Image

    I really need to adjust the styling of the images of the trophy in the postbit where it follows the username. Atm, I can't find this in the styles, or even when I do a quick search through the files themselves. They are aligned to the top, but need this code added to the <img> tag to make them...
  5. L

    Addons for vbActivity: Iconpacks.

    Dear Dragonbyte tech dude, (sorry just love it! ;) ) Regarding the icon packs, do these include the 'rules' when an award is won as well, or is it simply an pack of images? (my next post will have the prefix Suggestion depending on your answer!) Please let me know. Thank you,