
  1. S

    Bug Guest Cache is Longer than Expected

    I notice that on latest version 3.4.0, guest cache is longer than expected. I see it caches item up to 40 minutes. Here is my setting : operator : memcache default cache ttl : 300 guest full page caching ttl : 600 cache data registry : 0 cache who's online : 60 other cache settings : off...
  2. S

    Question Does File Cache Follow TTL ?

    Hello. I am curious if i use File Cache, does the add on respect the TTL setting? (for example file content will be updated if file "last modified" file has "expired). I also use PHP opcache with TTL 60. Do you think it will interfere with File Cache by this add on? :) Thank you
  3. S

    Implemented Suggestion to The Plugin

    I have some suggestions : Features : Admin can set different TTL to each cache setting. Reason : Some data such as "Nodes" are very rarely changed. Admin can set high TTL to "Cache Nodes". Some data such as "Forums" / "Threads" / "Posts" can require lower TTL, to ensure the data is fresh...